Dad diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma

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  • 18 subscribers

Hi All, I am new to this forum and just reaching out for any similar experiences or advice. Just today my dad has been diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma and it is a large one. He’s 73 and up until a few weeks ago he was a normal, fit and active man. There had been a few signs that something wasn’t right as he was having a few issues remembering things and at the end of last month he took a funny turn which made us think he’d had a stroke and we rushed him to hospital and that’s when the tumour was discovered. Today’s appointment was tougher than we had expected. In the last couple of weeks he’s gone from walking, talking fine to barely being by able to string a sentence together and needing help to walk, he’s deteriorated so fast. Doctors have minimal options for him right now as he’s so weak and won’t consider surgery unless the increased dose of steroids helps him recover somewhat. If the steroids don’t help him improve enough for surgery then we are looking at 2-3 months! Our world has turned upside down and don’t know what I’m expecting from this post other than to hear any positive stories or even just a similar story and outcome. Sorry for the long post 

  • Hi, my Husband (51) was diagnosed with the same in November last year, he had surgery in December but they didn’t get it all, in March they told us after he had a seizure that he had days to live and he woke up and has been back with us since! He’s on his 6th round of palliative chemo and we just keep playing with the meds including the steroids to manage his symptoms on a day by day basis - do you have a direct email to your oncology nurse ?