Pip review

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Has anybody else been asked for a pip review mines gone missing apparently even though I sent it in the time frame given I’ve asked for an 2 week extension which ran out and now I’ve been given another two weeks and new forms sent out. But looking online the post office open them first apparently then send them on which seems a bit strange mine are still on the system after originally posting end of October seems a bit of a weird situation. I’m now on chemotherapy not the best time for a bit more extra stress 

  • Hello Kerbdog33

    I am really sorry to hear that you are having to go through a PIP review whilst having chemotherapy. I did my original application during chemo in 2022 and it was really hard to fill out all the forms, with all the needed detail whilst feeling so unwell. I also had it followed up with an unexpected telephone interview. 

    Am sorry that the forms have gone missing in the post. It must be very frustrating.

    When I did my application I was able to do it online and I wonder whether this might be an option for you? I also had some help from one of the Macmillan financial advisors. He was able to check on my finances as a whole, offer support and advice on what I was entitled to claim and also talked me through the PIP application process and what I needed to do. I wonder if giving the Support Line a call and speaking with one of the financial advisors might help? The number is below and I found them very helpful. 

    I am sorry that you are having the extra stress of this at a time when you should be able to focus on your chemotherapy. I wish you well with the rest of your treatment.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks I will have to follow that one great advice cheers for taking the time to reply back to me