Chemo for 1 year!

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

My husband has had his tumour removed and will be starting 6 weeks of radiotherapy in the next few weeks then TMZ chemo for 1 year.  They didn’t go in to the chemo side too much at our visit on Thursday as it was mainly about the radiotherapy.

He was so positive after surgery (5 weeks post op tomoz) and ready to go back to work in a week or so.

After finding out about the long treatment time however he has just gone downhill. Struggling mentally about everything.  He can’t travel to work as no licence and due to his start time and no public transport, worried about pressure on me to take him and fetch him as I work full time too. Mainly he is worried about money and paying the mortgage, will he be able to work when on chemo, will the side effects be all the time or just when he takes the TMZ.

I know most of the questions about the TMZ will be answered when we get to that point and I am trying to slow him down and take each step a bit at a time but if anyone has experience of taking this for 12 cycles and can share their experiences I would be grateful.

He just wants to know he can still provide and live a relatively normal life. Things like going to work and paying the mortgage seem like they shouldn’t even be thought about as he is here and breathing but it’s such a stress to him. (Wish I’d took the bloody critical illness part out now) 

Thank-you for listening Flushed

  • HI Anna

    oh wish I had more experience to share here. As I said before, my other half declined the additional 6 month course of TMZ.  They said it would be one week of TMZ then three weeks off but he didn't want to go down that route. For the 6 weeks that he did take it, he was pretty much fine on it. Not much nausea after the first few days and wasn't sick once.

    Hopefully someone else on here can put some of your fears to rest shortly. 

    Stay strong. Stay positive.

    love n hugs

    Wee me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I appreciate you replying so Thank-you.

    My husband is also now thinking about just having the radiotherapy and not the Chemo but we have a lot of questions to ask the oncologist first before he makes a decision.

    Its the quality of life he is more focussed on so will have a list of questions to go to next appointment with so he can make an informed choice. 

    Thank-you again for taking the time to reply.

    Lots of love Heart️