Advice on Guardianship

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  • 17 subscribers


I'm just writing for advice on a difficult subject. My oldest friend has asked me to be the guardian for her 2 children if things get worse with her brain tumour. I know that her parents also want to be involved with bringing up her two children also but she has asked me as we are all very close, with her parents too and I have a child a similar age.  I immediately accepted as I know that it would give her a huge peace of mind and I know that I can offer all the support that the children need along with her family if the worse should happen. 

My partner and his family however, as much as he also loves and wants to support my friend, are a little scared of the responsibility of having to potentially care for 2 more children in the future. 

How do I explain how for me this is something that I want to sign up for no matter what, and we are definitely doing this for my friend, without making my partner feel as if their voice is not being listened too?

I'm sorry if this question comes across in any way as insensitive and not relevant.  I know that this is not one of the more important things to discuss. I just wondered if anyone else had had a similar dilemma?

Best and kindest wishes to all


  • Hi Kai_89,

    It definitely isnt an insensitive question and the future of these 2 children is very important.  

    I can't offer any advice as I've never been in a similar situation, except to say that we agreed to be guardians for our 2 nephews while they were young but thankfully the need never arose. However,  I know that it's a big responsibility to take on knowing that it might become a reality but the peace of mind this brings your friend must be massive. She must have so much trust and love for you and your partner to ask you both to bring up her children.

    Maybe you need to sit down with your partner and child and say that she is trusting all of you to love and care for her children, not just you. There is no doubt this is a hard thing you will be taking on but if it did ever become a reality (and I sincerely hope it doesn't) then I'm sure you will all be supported by family and friends.

    You must be a great person to say yes with no hesitation and I'm so sorry that your friend has a brain tumour. I hope this need for guardianship of her children never becomes a reality

    Take care x