Vision issues

  • 4 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi, my husband was diagnosed with a mixed cell germinoma in his left side partial area of his brain in jan. apparently it’s so rare where it’s sitting.

anyway he has done chemo and that did nothing to it, we finished radiation one month ago and just waiting for the follow up scan in a couple of months. 

He had a seizure in March and none since. When he had his neurosurgery in jan they got 95% of it and he suffered a bleed on brain after the surgery and is left with some right side weakness but he’s getting better. 

hes been pretty good since finishing radiation although his vision today was been weird he was seeing sqiqqules similar to a migraine but not migraine. It happened a couple of

weeks ago and his doctors weren’t sure why he was getting this. 

Has anyone had this happen before after radiation. 

They are not sure is prognosis as it’s all a bit new for this team here! 

Many thanks sorry for the long post 

  • FormerMember

    My son has had  28 sessions out 33 of radiotherapy and he sed 2 weeks ago that his vision wen he first wakes up his vision is strange and the light or light from his Tele makes his eyes sting. Takes him about half hour to get used to it. He also has a left frontal tumor (oligodendraglioma grade 3)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh thank you for that.

    isnt this journey so hard and a lot of guess work sometimes. 

    Many thanks for that x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I also suffer vision difficulties on a daily basis.. 

    I have been told it's a combination of the radio, chemo and steroids and that I have to take each day as it comes as there is nothing that can be done about it.. 

    O was recently diagnosed with steroid induced diabetes which also adds to the mix..

    My local Association for the Blind are trying to help with gadgets arc however the blurred vision changes on s daily basis...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Paula, 

    sorry I missed this. 

    He has not had much more issues with the zigzags until today. 

    We will talk to the blind foundation here aswell and see if they can offer something. 

    I hope things are going ok for you. 

    Hubby has lost all his right side of his peripheral vision but is feeling a lot better. So far his tumor is stable he’s due another mri on Friday so fingers crossed it’s behaving, 

    many thanks 
