The waiting game

  • 11 replies
  • 185 subscribers

Hi all, 

I have never posted anything on a forum before and stay away from social media. But I'm so scared. I have had very minor symptoms which were easily explained but finally went to the doctor in August because symptoms(minor bleeding) had come back. Referred for endoscopy due to blood tests and all clear in stomach and upper bowel. Colonoscopy not clear and was told I have a lesion that needs a biopsy. That was Tuesday. Today (Saturday) I got a phone call from the hospital saying I needed an urgent CT scan (lungs and abdomen).  I can't be brave, I'm terrified and mystified that I have very little discomfort, I'm fit and full of energy, no family history and only 53. I'm so worried that it's already too late. So hello and hope I can use this space for a chat. I can't even cry. Just shaking a lot. I understand it has to be an 'urgent scan' but this feels very difficult. Thank you for reading x 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Do you know if the biopsy results on the lesion are back yet? You could perhaps check with your GP on Monday? I was told immediately after my colonoscopy that they thought that the tumour they had removed was 99% cancer and the biopsy confirmed this.

    The next stage was a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and thorax which was checking to see that there was no spread to other areas. Once the results were back from the various tests I was discussed at the MDT (multi disciplinary team) and a treatment plan was decided on and then I met with the consultant for him to explain what was to happen next.

    So as it stands at the minute you’re not 100% sure that you have bowel cancer but they are checking you out thoroughly. This is a tough time but necessary tor them to get the full picture.

    If it does turn out to be bowel cancer then there is a lot of treatment available - I was diagnosed in 2016 (at the age of 53) and I’m still ‘no evidence of disease’ as are the 2 ladies that I became good friends with at the same time.

    Please keep posting and talking - the support desk is available every day from 8-8 if you want to talk to someone in person and there’s lots of people on here at different stages of treatment and recovery 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Scrabble

    2017 age 62 ....after blood traces found in poo test I had a colonoscopy....diagnosed with colorectal cancer....treatment was an anterior resection....4 hour op....5 days in hospital....back to work 9 weeks later....discharged by oncology after clear scopes December 2022....if the tumour had not been discovered early I may not have been here to post this.

    No point in trying to second guess results....stay off Google it only causes undue worry.

    The whole cancer package leaves us physically and mentally shattered, stunned, you are not alone, many on here  have been in/are in your shoes.

    Take care


  • Hi scrabble, I'm a week into this group and already feel amongst those that really understand this scary world we never hoped to be part of. And for me thats important,  as now i am 'out the other side' currently,  my amazing friends and family now need to get back to their usual routine after propping me up for so long! But i still live with this that has happened, as many here have said, these experiences change us forever. My profile contains my past years tough time but also shows that if the worst is to happen, there can be hope & recovery. I, too, have had those awful waits for 'urgent' tests and the fear is great. I know what you mean also that the tears don't come, just awful anxiety. It is such a hard road to be on, but post away here and take some reassurance you are among people who really understand the tough emotions . Keep in touch & be kind to yourself xx

  • Thank you so much Karen. I was told at the colonoscopy that it looked like cancer. I'm just panicking because the CT scan appointment phone call came round quicker than expected. It's the not knowing that's so hard to handle. I will certainly post again. Not my usual thing so thanks for giving me the confidence to do so x 

  • Thank you Peter. 9 weeks and back at work is good to hear. So glad you're ok. And absolutely promise I will stay off Google. So glad I discovered this forum.

    Lots of warm wishes, 


  • Thank you so much Bamo, I really appreciate your supportive comments and so good to know you're out the other side. I know I have a lot of support from friends and family but to be able to 'be' with those who have been through these dark times and recovered is really valuable. 


  • Its all we can do is be there to listen,  support and truly empathise as nobody around us , while caring and loving, can really understand how this feels. That's wonderful that you feel you can 'be' with us in this , I, too, have never posted in a forum and 9 months ago would NEVER imagined now belonging to a cancer site! However,  I ended up having my chemo in a local macmillan unit this year and years back had wonderful support from them also when my dear mother,  way too young, received a terminal diagnosis, so knew this would be what I needed a week ago when I joined! It's important not to overwhelm ourselves ,whatever 'stage' of this we are going through but it's also so important to be able to speak honestly which we sometimes need to protect from our closest? I  too, am only early 50s and had no family history, and while had 'lived with' Crohns disease for more of my life than not & knew that gave some higher risks, the shock is still horrific & one I'm only now absorbing as have been in total survival mode. But, for you, while waiting for and undergoing urgent tests, feels unbearable, honestly,  the sooner these happen the sooner you will have what I'm praying for you is relief but, if not , honestly, there will be swift action which us essential , as my situation shows. Keep in touch  we are thinking of you xx

  • Hi

    I have also been recently diagnosed and already surgery as the blockage in my colon was more dangerous. I was sent for my ct scan straight after my colonoscapy which was frightening and it's then you realise something is wrong. I'm hoping to find out next week what the treatment plan is and when i can start x

  • Hello x

    Can totally totally sympathise with the fear. I'm still waiting for news after ct scan. It's awful not knowing. Really hope you get a plan quickly. You are absolutely not alone in this limbo land. 


  • Hi Scrabble. Take a look at my post about controlling anxiety and panic. There are a couple of links on there and the videos by the guy on Youtube are very informative and helpful. If the one linked to doesn't apply to you take a look at his other videos on anxiety attacks. Hope you find it helpful