Should I be worried

  • 3 replies
  • 179 subscribers

I have experienced loose stools for the past 10 years and was diagnosed with IBS back then.  My MIL died in June which kicked off an episode due to stress. Horrible cramps and rushing to the loo every time I ate. I went to the docs to try to get to the bottom of my triggers and she asked me to do a calprotectin test and FIT test. Calprotectin came back as 620 and FIT 170. I am now waiting on an iron blood test. The cramps and diarrhoea have slowed now but should I be worried? Doc has referred me for fast track cancer check. 

  • Hi  There are a few conditions that can cause similar symptoms to bowel cancer such as polyps, ibs, colitis, diverticulitis etc. so it may well be one of these that’s caused the positive fit test. The important thing is that you’re getting checked out. Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis. 

    As you’ve discovered, stress can have a huge impact on your insides so try not to worry for now and you should have an appointment through for a colonoscopy within 2 weeks.

    Please let us know how you get on

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen, 

    thank you for your reply. 

    yes I understand there are lots of other causes for these test results - it’s just scary to see the word cancer on a referral letter I guess. My mind is going in overdrive. I am 38 with no other symptoms apart from the diarrhoea and cramps. I’m not tired, not losing weight, I don’t even see blood in the stool so was shocked at the FIT result. 

    I am going to Spain with my family in two days and trying to put it to the back of my mind so I can enjoy myself . 

    I guess I was just after some similar stories, where the outcome was positive. 

    Coupling the FIT and FC tests being both high and positive, it’s certainly kicked off my anxiety. Fingers crossed the iron tests come back normal or I will be in full on panic mode until I see the specialist!