10mm Rectal tumour

  • 16 replies
  • 186 subscribers

Good  morning.  I had a colonoscopy yesterday and it showed a 10mm tumour in my rectum.  I would be grateful for any information/comments from anyone who has had the same condition and follow up treatment.  Many thanks

  • Hi Feline. I had a 4 cm tumour in my mid/upper rectum which was about 9cm up inside me. If you click on my name then my profile page will show you my treatment to date. Rectal tumours are often treated with a course of chemoradiotherapy which can be very effective at shrinking the tumour - mine shrank to 1cm after treatment - then surgery to remove.

    The next few weeks will be a flurry of tests, scans and meetings but this is so they can get all the information in place before deciding on a treatment plan for you. It can be a very stressful time but once you have a plan in place things will honestly feel a bit better.

    Stay away from google - it can be scary and inaccurate. I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which may give you a heads up and help you make a list of questions.


    Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing but very treatable and we’ll be happy to help and support you through this. You can ask anything you like on here - there is nothing too daft or embarrassing!

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi,  , mine was about 7cm circumferential, unlike    I went straight to the operation as it was nearly blocked.  Then onto 30 weeks adjuvant chemo. It will be stressful, but once a plan is in place it eases up. Take care

  • Karen, many thanks for your prompt and very informative reply.  I was told that I will have to have both a MRI and CAT scan, obviously to see if the cancer has spread.  The Consultant did say that he thought he had caught it early on, but obviously it will all depend on the results of the histology results.  I just want to get on with the treatment as soon as possible.  I can't seem to concentrate on anything else.  Many thanks for the booklet and all your help.  

  • Thank you so much for replying so quickly.  It really helps to hear other people's' experiences.  Getting the news is always a bit of a shock, but as I said to Kareno62 I just want to start treatment as soon as possible.  

  • Hi Feline I had a 4cm tumor diagnosed in August 

  • Hi Feline I had a 4 cm tumor in my lower rectum have had radiotherapy and chemotherapy the radiotherapy was very bad but chemotherapy was OK IT shrunk the tumor right down but then we all have different reactions I am due Surgery now on what's left of the tumor will have a colonostopy and have backside removed and stiched over. As it happens my wife has a non cancer bowel problem and was on a list for a colonostopy anyway so our surgeon has decided to do a bogoff so we are both getting done on the same day.  Bowel cancer that's found early is very treatable so don't despair . It readies get better when you have a treatment plan.  So good luck. Fot future . David 

  • Blimey you’re the same as me.

    They told me at the colonoscopy that it was enormous. 
    You can read my back story if it helps. Click on our names and we’ve written up our treatment   
    I was so much better when they got that thing out of me and binned it. 
    I was in for an operation first unlike Karen mine wasn’t accessible for radiotherapy plus they said that I may block

    The treatment plan is individual 

    Keep us posted

    Take care 


  • Thank you so much for contacting me and sharing your story.  I was diagnosed last Thursday and had a CT scan  on Sunday.  I am now waiting for a MRI scan.  As I am sure you know this is to see if the cancer has spread.  I can't seem to think of anything else.  The gastroenterologist said 'I think we have caught it early' and I am clinging to that hope, but obviously no-one can be sure until all the results come back.  I just have to try and get on with things in the mean time.  

  • Ann, thank you for contacting me and sharing you experience.  It really helps to hear from other people who have been through the same thing.  I have had CT scan and waiting for MRI scan.  Will be seeing the gastroenterologist again on the 3rd March when he will have all the results.  Just hoping that they will be able to give me chemotherapy etc.  

  • I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts.
    You may not have chemo. I didn’t just a Lower Anterior Resection after the operation I had 27nodes taken no cancer so no chemo. I was ready for the full arsenal though. 
    You’re team will sort out the cancer you take care of your mental health 

    Eat as well as you can. I could only eat small meals so my energy levels were low so my Hubby bought me Complan. I had five grazing meals a day. Small breakfast, a complan mid morning a small lunch and dinner with a complan supper time. My energy levels improved. Gentle pelvis floor morning and night. And a walk about during the day or sometimes a snooze  whatever I could manage 

    I did have good weather though lit was summer 

    take care 
