Need to help my Dad after colonectomy

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My Dad (82) had a major large bowel resection 2 years ago. He had no choice but to have a colostomy for life but is really struggling with his bowel struggling to process things causing unbearable constipation, pain and sleepless nights. In his words “ my bowel seems to have forgotten what it needs to do”.  He has seen countless medical professionals but as yet no solutions or practical help. I am desperately reaching out to see if this might be a forum/avenue he could contact to receive some practical help, suggestions and/or support. He is convinced that his situation must be unique as nobody seems to be able to offer him any help. I would welcome any comments please to help my Dad get his life back. We nearly lost him back then but watching him disappear bit by bit mentally now is almost worse. There surely must be somebody out there who can point him in a better direction and help him regain his life. I can’t believe nobody else is suffering similar things to my Dad but he is unconvinced because he is so down about it. Thank you in advance for any responses.