Rectal cancer

  • 27 replies
  • 183 subscribers

Hi new to this group and wondered how people cope with the emotional roller coaster I am currently riding. Had a colostomy bag fitted Monday and learning to change this independently which is going well I think.....

Read up on all the physical aspects of a colostomy and thought I was prepared for the days after.... How wrong I was.... Be good to hear from others experiences and how they coped.

  • Hi Roblfc

    It’s very early days for you and it’s great you’ve found this group..there’s so many experts in managing a stoma here and I have found great tips My Stoma nurses were amazing and really got me sorted with the right products and advice.  
    I have a ileostomy performed August to remove Cancer.

    I just wanted to say hello and to say that I felt like you, UP and grateful one day to be alive and have had the operation then DOWN when I didn’t know what to do with half the stuff I’d been told to use.

    You’re doing really well to have joined it took me a while.

    take care

    best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Artsie

    Hi Ann and thanks for your reply. Still in hospital here in Bath where I saw a leaflet for MacMillan. It's good to have somewhere to come and discuss openly my feelings and emotions with people who truly understand 1st hand what I'm going through and not just being politely supportive. Read a few threads here and so glad I've found you all. Have my 1st oncology appointment next week with a million and one questions but a few have already been answered just by reading threads here. I still feel daunted by what the future holds but already feel less alone in facing it 

    Thank you.Hugging

  • Hi hope you are getting on on anyones name on the posts to read their history and ask anything.lots of info available on here.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Katz51

    Hi Kath and thanks for your message. Slowly finding my way around the site and good to have people's stories to help prepare me for what's ahead. 


  • Roblfc.

    When are you hoping to go home?  
    They pushed me out really quickly, which I was delighted about but then I had to go back to BRI to see the stoma nurses because I had loads of issues, mainly not applying the pouch and not being able to see the stoma. The pain meds gave me brain fog, honestly I was clueless. 
    They were brilliant, changed my style bag, gave me some protective rings called eakin slims and put a belt on me.  I came out there a different person, found this site and really began to build my confidence and get out and about  Baby steps.

    Good Luck with oncology next week.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Artsie

    Hi Ann there's talk of me going home tomorrow but it's a busy week ahead for me with an MRI with primovist tomorrow then a PET scan Tuesday then oncology weds. My dad thinks it's sensible I'm here in the RUH until at least after weds but that's in an ideal world and we all know it's doesn't always work that way. The changing of the colostomy bag is going well I feel but I've lost the urge to urinate and I have to push since I had a catheter removed on Thursday so hope to speak to the doctor today about this. Also had a conventional poo this morning despite the colostomy bag so want to find out how normal or abnormal this is..Did feel good though haha .

  • Hi Roblfc

    In Bristol it was all about the beds! The Bowel ward had been given over to Covid I was on the cardiac unit we were half and half.

    The staff were amazing under huge pressure but I felt that I was on rehab get up and out.  I did feel slightly concerned about how I’d manage getting about at home.  Luckily we have an old van so I was quite comfy. The Minis is like riding on a skate board.

    I found the sensation when urinating much less pronounced and I had to really concentrate  but I was so swollen and tender everywhere so I thought it was that. .  Worth asking though to get it all checked.

    You take it easy.


  • Hi and a warm welcome to the board from me too. The early days are very stressful with scans and meetings etc. but hopefully your oncologist will discuss a treatment plan with you and things will feel a little better. I’m sure you’ve seen my usual advice of staying away from google! There’s loads of information on here and people are more than happy to share advice and experience -there is nothing too daft or embarrassing. You’ll soon get used to emptying and changing the bag and yes a little poo is normal and often helps relieve any discomfort in the rectum.

    Please keep posting and let us know how you’re doing and, if you want to talk about football, then  is your man!

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Roblfc,

    Just wanted to pop on and say ‘hello’ from me too, so glad you’ve found us. It sounds as though you’re doing really well. It is an emotional roller coaster especially the early days until you have a treatment plan in place, then it does get a little easier - honestly.
    Sounds like you’ve got a busy week ahead of you, do keep posting and updating us.

    Take Care & Best Wishes,

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Net77

    Hi Karen062 and Net77 and thank you for your kind messages. Really glad I signed up to this group and yes will keep you all posted on the next few days ahead. I'm here now there's no getting rid of me haha.

    Rob. X