Fit test >200

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  • 131 subscribers

Hi all, 

Read loads of threads to find similarity to what I'm going through but I just cant rest, cant focus at work and just sick with worry. 

I'm a healthy 36 year old. Ever since the birth of my daughter 3 years ago I've suffered with Iron Deficiency which hasn't really improved, tried the vitamins but they make me too constipated so gave up and tried to eat better! Anyway I'd say the past year my bowels have changed, had a lot of blood on tissue and toilet pan with and without constipation, mucus and left sided aches and just feeling like things aren't right, feel like I dont ever fully empty my bowel and have urgency. Fobbed off by the GP that its probably piles or increase iron intake and repeat tests in 3 months etc. 

Last week I had an appointment with my GP as he asked to see me as my iron isn't getting better. Then I disclosed again my bleeding and other things and he sent me for a fit test and other bloods. Fit test I didnt notice any blood in the sample so sent it off and it has come back with a result of >200 which has obviously worried me sick. I'm just waiting for my GP to ring me to discuss the next steps. 

I have been very lucky that I dont have any immediate family history of C. So in my heart I just think this will more than likely be piles or something else minor but my head wont shut up and I have myself already diagnosed and mind going over drive. Since I have seen my result on my NHS app I have had diarrhoea and aches and pains and I know its my worry doing this to me. (Massive health anxieties and hypochondriac!).

I dont really know what I want to get from this message as even typing it out I feel stupid when I haven't even had my appointment through for my colonoscopy! 

My biggest worry is why is it >200, I think if it was under 100 I wouldn't feel as worried but >200 surley is a crazy high amount of blood! and not to be too graphic but obviously when you do the fit test you examine the sample and I didnt see any noticeable blood.

Thanks in advance to anyone reading x