Bowel cancer

  • 23 replies
  • 131 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2020. I had surgery and 3 months chemotherapy. 6 months later they found a spot on my lung which they monitored until it was 10mm then I had surgery. No chemo this time.  I have been clear for 2 years but my recent scan has showed another tiny spot in the same lung. I am waiting for a PET scan and where I go from here. Can anyone help me please?

  • Hello Adele and a warm welcome to the community though so sorry you have to be here and the awful time you are having. Thankfully it has been caught  early and hopefully treatment can take care of it. Adele I too have bowel and lung cancer but can't have treatment so unable to offer advice, i would suggest you post your question on the lung cancer forum as well, best wishes with your scan and whatever treatment you have, take care.


  • Thank you so much for your reply. Are you having any treatment? How are you coping? Here to chat anytime.

  • Hi Adele no thanks needed, but appreciated. I have had treatment on my primary, prostate, and i am on HT, last injection 12 weeks though small chance of extending it. I have decided against any other treatment as i feel ok and don't want what little time I have left ruined by treatment that may not work. take care.


  • I’m so sorry to hear that and fully understand your decision. It’s such a hard one. I hope you have lots of support and help. Always here with a listening ear. 

  • Hi  

    My mum first had a lung met pop up in 2014 , like you once it got to around 8 mm they removed it  in 2016 . Her primary tumour had been removed in 2009 . She had also managed a spread to her liver but that remains clear .

    In 2022 another met popped . She has a few micro mets . She used a targeted treatment only and everything was stable for a year roughly . She is too frail for much treatment now but her team thinks they are not causing her any issues , slow growing and a favourable location so she is leaving them alone .

       had treatment for two mets in her lungs using Radio frequency ablation . She is doing great and I am sure would be happy to share her experience.

    Unlike the liver the lung mets seem to be very slow growing .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Of course I am very happy to reply with my experience.

    Hi Adele,

    I was diagnosed in May '19 with bowel cancer. I had surgery, but unfortunately, the following year, I developed two small Mets - Lung nodules in one lobe. Following this diagnosis, I received Chemo for 5 months - then had a Lung Ablation. I have no idea what your 'surgery' consisted of in the past.

    However, have you been told the size of your present Lung Nodule? Obviously, your upcoming Pet Scan will determine this...& your team will determine the way forward for you - in terms of treatment.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Marianne x

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. I feel the fact it’s taken 2 years to come back and is only 7.9mm must be positive? I think because  they have said surgery most likely won’t be an option I feel like they are not getting rid of it like with my other surgeries. That frightens me.

  • Hi, my lung node is 7.9mm

    What is an ablation please?

    thanjs for your reply x

  • What is ablation please?

  • My node is 7.9mm

    Thank you for your reply. What is ablation please? X