January 2024 Catch up thread !

  • 41 replies
  • 138 subscribers

Bit late to start this but thought we could encourage each other with positive points to help us through January !

Managed a short walk just before we lost the sunlight !

So far a short walk each day has been my goal !

take care ,


  • Just got back from the first quiz night of 2024 at the pub. Walked there and back (3.5 miles), and my team won £34!!

  • That’s a win on many fronts  . Grinning. Well done on being the winning team but 3 .5 miles is pretty good going .

    I normally break my walk with a wee coffee but a few of the shops have closed for the week . Tragic really . RoflRofl
    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Well done!!! If I make it up to the village street a couple of times a week I feel like an athlete!!!

  • Good on you Court!! Oncology for me today. Hoping for the best MRI results!!! This waiting is tiring........

  • Wishing nothing but good results for you  .

    I will be thinking of you . How is your magnesium holding up ?

    It’s a hamster wheel of a system for sure but we have your back here and supporting you ever step of the way .

    Take special care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Going for the 2nd mag infusion this week. Still reading low!!!  It upset my tummy first time around so really don't know if it is going to work for me!!! Then what!!! Might as well resume sachets and struggle through!!!!

  • No wonder it upset your tummy . When I had a looked into it , not too dissimilar to a bowel prep . I felt so sorry for mum after reading that . It became quite a management issue . 
    Just waiting on her latest reading . Think she has another pelvic  fracture so don’t think she could realistically take it and get to the toilet on time . Just hoping it’s come up a bit . 
    Managing the side effects is not easy .

    Then we discovered her blister pack had two senekot in it . Can you image along with magnesium.

    I hear the hollow words of the last oncologists when he said no more scans . Two weeks later , chest Ct , head Ct and looks like four weeks on it will be a pelvic Ct ! He got that one wrong . Rofl

    Keep in touch .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

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    I hope every step you take this month gets you one step closer to a rainbow

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