Panic attacks

  • 9 replies
  • 133 subscribers

Hi I haven't been on for awhile as treatment has started yet . But am starting on Friday am going to hospital Wednesday to see chemo ward and for them to explain what is going to happy . But right now I'm in serious panic attack mode my heart is going ten to the dozen I can not focus ,I can't breathe ,have to keep locking myself in bathroom until I calm down. please help any advice how to calm my nerves would be appreciated.Pray 

  • Hi Angel

    When my husband was in hospital post emergency surgery and when he went for his first IV chemo I wrote myself a letter, just bullet points. Things that helped me stay positive and ground me and bring me back to the moment and stop me spiralling. I used to lock myself in the hospital toilets and read the letter and it always helped get me out of my own head so maybe it might work for you. 

    I also visualised a time when this was all behind us and maybe we could plan a holiday amd pictured us somewhere beautiful. 

    You will surprise yourself you will get through this and you will be stronger than you ever imagined possible.

    Good luck. ♡ 

  • Just so scared I've been waiting a month to get started and the closer it's coming the panic is getting worse . 

  • Are you having the combined IV and oral chemo protocol do you know? If you speak to your oncology nurse they may be able to prescribe something to help with the anxiety short term because a lot of what you feel may be fear of the unknown and once you start you will get into a routine and it won't be as scary. We were terrified the first time but now we take our chemo picnic and a good book or watch something on the Ipad and it's really ok.  

    Maybe make a list of things you can take with you to make it a bit easier, we take a flask, a blanket and snacks, a hot water bottle. The nurses will really look after you and you will get to know them and other patients everyone at our unit is really friendly and welcoming. X

  • I have a bag ready I have photos of my family I have books , a wordsearch puzzle book which I love ,I have my I pad ,I have my slippers and socks my family have bought me . I think once I start Wednesday and speak to chemo nurse I will feel abit better .Thankyou for all your advice I will keep you updated x

  • This comes up a lot but changes quickly once people get through the doors for the first time . 
    However remember your GP is part of your team and there to help you get to those doors .

    Might be worthwhile giving them a quick call .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • It's absolutely normal to feel panicky and scared, so to some degree, cut yourself some slack. I waited ages to get started too and it doesn't help. But tell the team how you feel. I actually (as I am emetophobic and the fear of being sick was actually making me feel sick!) asked for some low dose diazepam and they were happy to supply that- I told them quite honestly that I would only use it responsibly and in fact having it there has just helped in itself- I've only had one or two in six weeks.

  • Sorry, this posted before I'd finished typing. I have just finished my radiotherapy today and for some reason also got MASSIVELY panicky in the last few days, especially over the bank Hols and then got panicky  and beat myself up about how stupid  this was when I was two treatments from the end!  In the end, I decided to give in, BE pathetic and have a damn good  cry  and just lie in bed like an idiot-and in fact once I allowed myself to do that, I felt a lot better and calmed down.  Nobody feels relaxed over going through these rubbish times, nobody expects you to be the little heroine, and yes, like everyone else says, have lots of distractions, whatever works for you. It'll be miles better once you start, hopefully.  All the luck in the world.

  • Thankyou I feel a little less stressed after going to chemo ward today seeing what I have to look forward to on Friday the staff were amazing so feel at ease on that respect . So just want to get started now .

  • Hi  

    My name is Dylan and I work in the Online Community team. I was sorry to read of your panic attacks. How are you doing today?

    I wanted to leave a reply with some links that may be helpful.

    Please give our Support line a call if you ever need a listening ear. Our support team are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat

    Mind, a UK charity which specialises in mental wellbeing, have a webpage on looking after yourself and ways to cope with feelings of anxietyThis might be helpful to look through. Mind also have information about their helpline and other ways to find help on their website.

    We published a blog last year which features what the Online Community has shared about managing anxiety and the symptoms of anxiety. You can read the blog by clicking here.

    I’d also like to let you know about Macmillan’s offer of counselling sessions. Through our partnership with BUPA, Macmillan are offering up to six sessions of free one-on-one counselling to people who have been diagnosed with cancer which can be quickly and easily accessed without any waiting lists. If you would like to explore whether our BUPA counselling service might be right for you, all you need to do is contact our Macmillan Support Line and ask our teams about the service

    I hope you find the above information helpful. if you have any questions about the Online Community or the info above please feel free to get in touch with our team at

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan's Online Community Team