Hoping to hear this coming week

  • 14 replies
  • 128 subscribers

Good afternoon everyone x

The wait for results is so stressful as it is for all sorts if things. 

I don't mean to sound dramatic but it feels like my life depends on the outcome of the MRI CT and biopsies. 

I have been feeling more tired with he stress of these past few weeks and I'm a little concerned that I am now losing weight however I haven't necessarily eaten enough and have been fighting off the stress and anxiety of it all. So hopefully that's it. 

I had bloods taken around 4 weeks ago and there were no markers or concerns with the results and my white blood count was normal.

The pain in my rectum doesn't necessarily seem worse but even the new pain killers I'm on, Naproxine, don't seem to hold off the pain for more than a few hours.

I guess I have just wanted to come on here and share how I am currently feeling. My Dad my friends are just saying try not to worry and maybe the results won't be as bad as you are fearing or led to believe as my consultant was very direct with me last Monday after biopsies and said he thought it was a tumor in my bottom! 

Everything is just bewildering and like I'm an outsider looking on and then the panic sets in. This morning in bed I couldn't control my panic my propranolol tablet didn't help so I had to get up. 

Does it become easier to bear when I get the results and know what I am dealing with? I'm hopeful that it hasn't spread and is treatable. 

I'm so sorry if I am repeating myself from previous posts it's just lovely to be amongst a community of us all facing or that have faced similar 

Much love to you all


  • Hi PaddyBud. Yes things do feel a lot easier once you have a treatment plan in place. The waiting for all the scan results is very stressful and it’s not uncommon for people to worry a bit of weight off. Once all the results are back then the MDT (multi disciplinary team) will meet and decide on a treatment plan for you. Bowel cancer is very treatable and there are lots of treatment options available. 
    I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which is good at explaining some of the jargon and staging etc. 


    I notice from your earlier post that you’ve been given your p45 from work? Was this your choice? It’s just that there are laws in place about ill-health discrimination in the workplace and the support desk on the number below would be able to advise you on that?

    Glad you’ve reached out and hopefully your results will come through quickly. We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here but happy to help and support you. If you click on peoples names then their profile page may show their treatment to date

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Good morning Kareno62.

    I really appreciate your response and I thank you so much for helping my fears. I understand we all have to go through this stage to reach as my auntie puts it a clear path to being well again. 

    I will respond in full soon I'm off out with my Dad for lunch at our favourite restaurant by the open water.

    I trust that all is well and healing for you

    Enjoy your day 

    PaddyBud x

  • Hi Paddybud

    I found not knowing the hardest time. 
    Once you know what treatment is then you can focus on that. 
    I was all over the place 

    Best wishes 


  • Good Luck with your results! Hope it goes well. 

    Vicky x

  • Hi Artsie. Thank you. 

    It's just so difficult to find distractions I think I should go out for a walk or something but find I don't have the energy or inclination it doesn't help that I live alone. 

    Yes I will give the potential treatment my all. 

    Hugs x


  • Good morning PattyK.

    Thank you  I have an idea that it is going to be a tumor as nothing else other than piles bleeds, a little, and causes me such constipation and pain. But... Well... let's see



  • Good morning 

    I found it difficult to function I’d wake up to flight or fight mode.
    Unable to do either I just froze, I didn’t talk about it to anyone I didn’t join here until later 

    So you have here to talk if it helps, meditation or hypnosis apps give head space. I watched everything I wanted to watch. No news or stressful TV 

    Eating was a challenge well eating wasn’t but processing it was so I had no energy. 
    My hubby bought me complan meal supplements I made them with milk. So I had a small breakfast. A milk complan before a small lunch an small evening meal with another complan early evening 

    This made such a difference to my energy levels and I was able to do the exercises that I’d been asked to do at my consultation 

    Hope this helps 

    sending you a hug 


  • Dear Artsie. 

    How lovely to have your message. 

    I completely agree with the waking in the morning and getting that panic and fear especially if it has got light and just wanting to stay there as bed has been safe place for a while now. 

    It doesn't help that I live alone so no one to badger me to get up!

    I have found solace in the wonderful people at Macmillan who answer the phones and the nurses too. I'm awaiting a call back now from my own Doctor as the Naproxin isn't keeping my pain at bay.. 

    I hope everything is going well for you? The support of loved ones, family and friends is so crucial. 

    I've got a meal for tonight albeit a micro meal! 

    All the very best to you. 

    PaddyBud x

  • Enjoy your meal Paddybud and keep chatting.
    It does help.

    I had people around me but I didn’t share my feelings with anyone as I felt I frightened them more. My daughter especially, I kept it hidden.

    I don’t think it did me much good really but hey I’m the other side now 

    Best wishes 
