Fit test score 28 .

  • 29 replies
  • 135 subscribers

Hello everyone, is a score of 28 high ? I have had a little bit of a problem with finding Bright red blood in my stool just a little bit very sparse . 
I did a fit test on a stool that I had straining with and it had a little blood on it would this effect the score ? . Does a fit test pick up visible blood has well has occult blood ? 
I am having a colonoscopy next week . 

  • Forgot to mention I had a load of blood tests done and they all came back normal which I’m sure is a good start .

  • Many thanks for clarifying, I asked because I’ve had a test result less than 10, it’s actually 5.4 but I have a symptom so doc has referred me. He says the result is ‘borderline.’ I’m trying to work out their criteria for referral? I think it’s the symptom issue that forced it? Bleeding worrying tho.

  • What are your symptoms Chris ? Because some symptoms warrant further tests no matter what the score apparently. It’s the nice criteria.

  • Only one symptom, loose stools every morning, had it for a month, thought it was down to anxiety, not so sure now. I think everything is ok? weight is fine, blood test was fine 10 weeks ago, just had another awaiting results.

  • It could be your diet Chris and anxiety issues etc I’m not trying to diagnose I’m no expert. But that issue alone and your bloods being ok and weight sounds like your doctor his just being precautionary. Try eating more staunch food etc that might help . Is it a colonoscopy referral and do you have to wait for appointment? Sooner it’s done the better you will feel better then . 

  • Hi again, thanks for replying by the way. I think the referral is to decide the way forward? GP did mention a pos colonoscopy but he also said they may sit on it and repeat a FIT in a couple of months? Who knows?

  • Hi Bobsleigh.

    Just wanted to check in with you, see how you are doing and how your colonoscopy went.

  • Hi, hope your well.  I had the pill cam and it filmed 3 quarters of my bowel  the battery ran out before it came out so the doctor said he wants to finish of by colonoscopy of the last section of my bowel for a complete check . He said no cancer was detected but I do have quite a bit of (diverticulosis) and this could be the issue.  When I have had lower bowel checked I will get back to you my friend thanks for checking on me .

  • Oh Bobsleigh what good news so far.

    Have to chuckle on capsule colonoscopy tho - they tried that on me and failed as I could not manage to swallow it and they didn't have staff available to aid it on it's way !!

    I wonder if you'll only need flexi sigmoid (goes just up to sigmoid colon area) or whether standard colonoscopy. Regardless which method, I hope the last stage is as cancer free as inital stages for you Fingers crossed

  • Hi hope your well .

    I said I would get back to the forum about having colonoscopy.  I had an appointment on Sunday and had my colonoscopy it came back clear of cancer no polyps but I was diagnosed with diverticulosis quite a bit of it. That's my problem and was told not to worry and eat more fiber etc . 

    I must say the colonoscopy went well and I did a good prep Thumbsup and had no sedation no pain just a little uncomfortable.  

    I hot to say I was very worried about this situation and rightly so but all the the time I was told having a positive fit test does not guarantee cancer it can be a whole lot of other none cancer prBlushlems that blood can be found in the stool and it was right . Thank you to my God for answering my prayers and thank you to all for your support.  But if I could just say to all those worried about gBlushting checked out with a Qfit test and it comes back positive it's easier said then done when someone says don't worry but it doesn't mean cancer it can mean lots of other things , I panicked and wasBlushery frightened  please get in touch with folk on this forum it doesn't half help Blush but never underestimate the power of prayer .