Husband, Chemoradiotherapy & Me (Pt4)

  • 4 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Good Evening All. 

Hope everyone is doing ok, and all your treatments are going well x Sending lots of love Heart️ 

so, Mark’s second Chemo did not go ahead on his Birthday- he wasn’t well enough.. Disappointed relieved

so they made an appointment with the chemo Dr, and he explained that mark was missing an enzyme (he only has half that’s working, and you need it to break down the chemo) 

They left him another 9 days, to make sure he was well enough. 

Yesterday, I booked the day off work, as Mark was feeling “Normal” again, so we got up and went out for most of the day, it was lovely, a nice coffee and cake while out shopping. That evening I had my appointment for the results of my MRI scan, I was nervous all day but put on my brave face all day so we could have a lovely day. 
Arrived at the hospital and we only had to wait 20 mins ( Now that is a BIG win as all our appointments are late and we’re sat waiting hrs normally!) 

So I was told that my Cancer had spread to the tubes and there was some soft tissues on one of my ovaries Disappointed relieved so this now means they need to talk about my case at a different hospital on Wednesday at their MDT meeting and if they decide to do the operation there, then I will need a session of chemo and radHuggingtherapy once the ovary had been tested. If they are happy with the soft tissues I will stay at the hospital and no more treatment will be needed. The best news is it’s not life threatening.. Hugging

Mark was so happy, with the news a little win and we will take it! Just hope the rest of our journey has wins like that! 

Marks chemo was today, 7.30am! That was a great time. As we were home for 1.45pm! 
He was looking very pale/grey and has abit of a tender belly. He’s also started with abit of a dry cough.. is this normal? He didn’t have it last time! 
HES not looking forward to bedtime as he has the pump on again, 46 hrs and then back to have it taken off.. 

I have a few questions that I can not seem to get any answers for and have no idea where to get information from, I’m hoping you lovely people might be able to help?? Shrug‍♀️ 

1. will be get any benefits ? 
(To help with walking our dog (Walt) Dog?

Help with paying for a cleaner? (Until I’m fit after my op) ? 
we have applied for a blue badge- do you think we will get one! 
We have also applied for PIP again do you think we will get this? 

I can not find anything else we can go for any help. 
what kind of help do you all get? 

Thank you once again for reading. 

sending you all lots of love Heart️ 

C & Mark Heart

  • Hi, sorry to hear what you're going through but happy to see you have a positive look on things. 

    You absolutely should qualify for PIP. Once I told them I had cancer they put me on the highest rate. You're advised to tell them how you are on your worst day. Not to play the system, but so you're supported during the bad times. Don't tell them you're okay when you're not. Same with blue badge, but that's usually through the council. 

    PIP can be hard to understand, so I got citizens advice to help with with my application. 

    You can also apply for ESA if your mental health is affected. (Or maybe for other reasons, but that's why I applied for that)

    You can also apply for Universal Credit, and you may qualify for a lower rate of council tax. 

    Macmillan helped me a lot through all of the financial advice. They may be able to help you through each step too

  • Thank you so much for your reply. 
    Will see what pop and the blue bag she comes back with but thank you for the information x 

    c xx Kissing heart 

  • Hi  Please give the support desk a ring on the number below as they have trained advisors who can help you with this and guide you through any paperwork? There is also a forum page where you could ask these questions.

    There might also be some helpful links on here?

    Hope this helps

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for sharing your experience. It must be so challenging to support your husband through chemoradiotherapy while also taking care of yourself. Remember to take breaks when you can, even with everyday tasks like laundry—it can be overwhelming. Don't hesitate to ask for help with chores, and lean on loved ones or support groups. You're doing an amazing job!