qfit test was 48

  • 11 replies
  • 109 subscribers

hey guys

im 31 years old, had trouble with bowel movements since this april, on and off diarrhea,

i feel healthy, no pain or anything, i have a camera appointment coming up.

im just really worried, and its not helping my anxiety as i do suffer with mental health

  • Hi  48 is a pretty low reading but is good that you’re getting checked out.

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis. There are several conditions that can cause similar symptoms and blood in the stool like ibs, polyps, colitis, piles, diverticulitis etc. 

    I know it’s hard not to worry but worrying will cause more symptoms and then you’ll worry about those and things begin to spiral. I’ve attached a link to a post that a member shared a while ago about dealing with stress and worry which may help?

     Controlling anxiety and panic 

    Take care and please let us know how you get on?

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • thank you, had blood test done all good, no pain just feel normal apart from the on and off diarrhea and the fit test

  • How did you get on if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve got a score of 26 on my fit test & scheduled for a colonoscopy in 3 weeks. Freaking out doesn’t come close! 

  • Hello,

    I had a colonscopy on 8th October 2024,

    On my colonoscopy they found one 8mm polyp in my sigmoid colon,

    My results were the polyp was a adenoma with low grade dysplasia, they said no cause for concern, but I'll probably will have to checked every 5 years or so,

    I was the same as you scared of what they would find, but it could be polyps, bowel disease or even piles can cause positive qfit tests.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi Billy, thank you very much for replying to me. So glad your outcome was positive! 

    I had a CT scan last week - no concerning findings - said my bowels looked good but given my positive fit test it’s hard not to worry. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for 3 weeks time so trying to think positive until then. 

  • Hey

    It's tough I was petrified off what my colonoscopy may of found, I'm only 31.

    It's hard but try and remain positive, I mean the CT scan found nothing bad that's a positive there

  • Oh it isn’t half! I’ve been sick with worry ever since I got my result. I suppose it is a good thing & our results really aren’t that high - given it can go way into hundreds. I’m only 27 I have a young son too so that’s been playing on my mind. I’ve had a sigmoidoscopy before where they found some hemorrhoids which they banded, it was at my 10 week follow up appointment they done another fit test & here we are. It’s really concerning because I didn’t notice any visible blood while doing the test, just shows you. 

  • I know, I went to my doctor as I was getting loads of diarrhoea and mucus in my stools, no visible blood, my qfit was 48.

    I asked the surgeon who did my colonoscopy about my result he said it was low and he wasn't overall concerned,

    Someone told me 1 in 10 colonoscopies result in the "c" word.

  • That is really reassuring! Phew! 
    I think I’ve searched every single forum there is to find some happy stories lol. You really have given me some peace of mind! Thank you very much & I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on! X 

  • Please do mate, 

    Hope it all works out for you