Feedback please on capox!! 5 day radiation and four cycles of chemotherapy.

  • 22 replies
  • 103 subscribers

Morning everyone! 
My husband has a tumor in the low rectum.. Chemotherapy is needed to shrink the tumor before surgery.  He has had radiation for a week,  and started cycle two of chemotherapy on Friday past.  Four cycles are needed. Is There anyone who can share their experience on this journey… I know side effects peak from radiation at two weeks but what about the capox?  Does every cycle get more intense? I keep looking for side effects and worrying it’s not working … I am aware it takes time.  I suppose what I am asking is has anyone had little side effects from capox but still achieved results? Thanks Pray tone2 x

  • Anytime… just message x 

  • Yes it's definitely good to talk to others in the same boat. Another good resource is Maggie's. I have been to the Fife one for various workshops and they run a bowel cancer networking group which I'm going to attend for the first time at the end of the month. Maggie's at the Western run lots of groups and workshops too. All the staff are lovely, you can just go in for a chat. Not sure where else in Scotland they have centres but the information is available online. 

    I found i had side effects mainly the first week, and they weren't that bad. Just generally felt rubbish with indigestion heartburn and some nausea. My hand still tingles a bit.The second week and this rest week I feel unbelievably well, which I'm very grateful for. I know the side effects can be cumulative so the next round might not be as easy but at least I have an idea what to expect .

    You take care and talk soon x