Positive fit test

  • 14 replies
  • 101 subscribers

Hi, I hope this is ok to post. I have had 10 abnormal bloods and more recently a positive fit test. Result is 311. Have a colonoscopy and CT scan coming next week. I’m just so worried and wondering if this high result is an indication of high possibility of cancer? Blood in stools, anemia, pain and weight loss. 

  • Hi  

    There are many reasons for occult blood being found in faeces. To give you context, the highest band of FIT score is >400, and the NHS article I read in 2022 stated that only 1 in 4 of this category turn out to be cancer.

    So while you clearly have symptoms that correctly should be investigated with CT and colonoscopy, please don't assume the outcome at this stage.

  • Thankyou for your reply. Logically, I know this is absolutely what I should do. My head is running away with me. I will make a conscious effort to put it in a box until I need to think about it. Thankyou again 

  • Hi  

    I have just completed my test and noticed it said here in Scotland two out of one hundred have an abnormal test and out of  five hundred abnormal tests only ten are cancerous. Nine out of ten cancers detected early survive .

    However mine took a bit longer to come back this time and did raise my anxiety so I totally understand. Hope the colonoscopy comes quickly and gives you peace of mind . We have so many people come here going through the same thing and thankfully most by far are fine .

    Wishing you every success.


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks so much for your reply. I’m usually a ‘don’t worry until you need to’ person but the blood results, anemia, pain and fit test results are really worrying me. I know a lot of other diagnosis's give similar symptoms so I’m hopeful that it’s something like that but my head is doing overtime. Really appreciate your response.  

  • You are only human but I have been here for over ten years and trust me despite the presenting symptoms most are fine .

    I am the opposite. I start at the worst case scenario every time and claw my way back . My mum on the other hand is Mrs Calm ! 

    Remember to tell them you can take any cancellations. Gets you through the process quicker !


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thankyou. Yes, I’ve told them I’ll go anywhere if it means getting in sooner. My family are assuming the worst and I’m very much avoiding talking about it with them but inside, I’m a wreck. I have two young boys and can’t help but go to worst case scenario. On the outside, it looks like I don’t care but I am really worried. I will update this thread and again, thanks so much for your reply.

  • Hi, I know this post was some months back. But I’m in a similar position. I’ve had blood in my stool no pain but feel very gassy and have low iron. What was your results please? I am seriously freaking out. I have a son it’s just us. I don’t have family I can’t leave him alone he’s only 2 

  • Hi  There’s a lot of things that can cause similar symptoms to bowel cancer like piles, colitis, diverticulitis but you must go to the doctors and get checked out. Whatever is causing your symptoms needs investigating so rather than assuming the worst (and the stress will cause more aches and pains and more worry) make an appointment and you may well find that it’s nothing to worry about?

    Take care and please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen thank you for your reply. I’m booked for a colonoscopy initial call on Monday and should have the test done shortly after. I just can’t help but think the worst. I am terrified honestly 

  • I was in the same boat, passed blood after being constipated, colonoscopy found 5 polyps and 2 small lesions in the anus , AN2 which are my consultant told me pre cancer its not cancer but there is a small chance they may develop in the next ten years , but margins an all removed , I was so worried like you and very scared , they said all test showed I was very fit which was a relief, please dont worry which is easier said than done, but your on the radar they are doing something and hopefully  there will be nothing there , dont google either as I did the worse thing anyone can do , you be ok xxxxxxx