• 25 replies
  • 119 subscribers

Hi guys, 

I'm undergoing palliative chemo for pretoneal disease/ cancer.  I has emergency surgery in Dec 21 whee half my bowel was removed along with lymph nodes and scraping of my peritoneal lining. All went well or as best as it could. 

I'm now going to Basingstoke which is a centre dealing with peritoneal cancer and surgery. Has anyone had any experience with HIPEC  surgery. 

I'm quite anxious about the whole thing and am seriously thinking of not having it. I don't think I can put myself through it. I might have a change of heart after speaking to the consultant but was hoping someone on here could put me at ease by telling me of their experience with HIPEC surgery.

Thanks guy stay safe and take care. 

  • Hello Dogman

    I have just read your post and am so sorry to read of your anxiety - I can fully understand your thoughts on this. I can't answer your question myself (I am from the Prostate Cancer forum) but with my replying your post will be "bumped" back to the top of the list.

    When you are back at the top i hope someone reads it and can answer your questions.

    If I can do anything else for you please let me know. Good luck which ever way you go.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi  

    Welcome and totally understand the fear making you consider if it’s a good option for you . 
    We have had several people go through Hipec . It’s a big surgery for sure but with the right support do well .

    I did used to communicate with a guy from America , after successful surgery he went on to become a day . He notified me of his tenth anniversary of Hipec . His was definitely successful.

    However his is only one story . If you look at our search function you will see previous input from other patients . ( small magnifying glass at the top of the page ) .

    My own mum had a very extensive surgery where they removed 73% of her liver . But that was back in 2010 . It was a bit longer recovery but she got there . 
    You might like to link in with Bowel cancer U.K. as they also have a stage 4 forum and they might be able to link you in with someone to go through the recovery aspects 

    I will also link you in with some information. 
    Please feel free to chat at any point . Mum has had three cancer surgeries and currently back in treatments but she prefers surgery to chemo !

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Also our helpline staff can talk this aspect through with you on . 0808 808 0000.

    I will be honest I nearly ran out the door when I hear my mum ‘s proposed surgery . It has given his her life back in so many ways but that initial first hearing of it was quite a shock . I did ask the consultant was it reasonable to continue and he explained why and also what would happen if she did not . That gave her both sides to consider .

    Take care and always here to chat .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hello, I’m new here and have just seen your post.

    I’ve just undergone cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC. In June I had a liver resection, gallbladder and appendix removed. End August I had sigmoid colon resection, full hysterectomy, peritoneum and omentum removed followed by HIPEC. I’m 6 weeks post op and am feel better each day, I would say you have to be both physically and mentally prepared as possible, but it’s worth it.

    October last year I was diagnosed stage IV primary bowel with secondary to liver and ovaries, I was told surgery wasn’t an option and was given chemo to extend life. I responded really well to chemo and my MDT took the decision to undergo surgery. In less than 12 months I’ve gone from palliative care to now cancer free! 

    I’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have. 

  • Good evening cardiff1968

    just read your post such amazing news! Well done! 
    all the best in future! 

  • It certainly is . Well done indeed . 
    Do you mind if I tag you in when people are looking to talk to someone with experience of the surgery  

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you. Please do, I’m more than happy to share my experience of this type of surgery xx

  • Brilliant . Thanks for that  . 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you for that information. I stopped my husband reading google for information as every case is different. This is the first solid information I’ve read about the procedure, I only wish I had read it before his op.