Osteochondroma vs osteosarcoma

  • 2 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I had a bone tumour removed from my femur 3 years ago which turned out to be a benign osteochondroma. Recently the area where the tumour was removed has started to throb and ache. I was told there's a very very small chance that the tumour could grow back and become cancerous so its highly unlikely but I'm wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I don't want to go back to the drs unnecessarily to get it checked out. Has anyone had an osteochondroma that turned into a sarcoma or had an osteochondroma removed and then later experienced pain at the removal site?

  • FormerMember


    i don't have any experience of this myself. But if in doubt always see your GP and get it checked out. They won't feel you are wasting their time. Please make that appointment.

    in the meantime I hope someone else may come along who has some personal experi nice of bone cancer. You could also call the helpline tomorrow and seek their advice.mtheir number is 0808 808 0000.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Curious how your followup went as my son might have his removed. I have read there should be a wide excision from research on osteochondroma with or without cancer. Due to cells being left that could mutate.