3 monthly scans/xrays

  • 1 reply
  • 7 subscribers

Hi anyone,

I’m coming up to my 3 monthly xrays, 9 months after my osteosarcoma was removed. I’ve been ok leading up to previous scans but I’m not coping well with it this time. I’m struggling to sleep, it’s affecting my ability to work or just function. I’m terrified of what they might show up. Has anyone got any advice on how to keep a lid on things? 

  • Hello  sorry you've not had a reply to your post. As this was a month ago, I imagine you have now had your scan and I hope the results were good. What you are describing is the very well known 'scan-iety'. One of the things that my counsellor said to me is that sometimes when you far enough down the line from the diagnosis, your body then starts to process the emotions properly. My advice would be to try and take it slowly, day by day, perhaps keep a journal and to keep breathing. Having cancer is a horrible experience and its completely understandable if after everything, you find you self feeling scared. Hopefully your scans went well and that will help you face the next one in your stride.