X-ray results

  • 2 replies
  • 6 subscribers


I'm hoping for some advice, I had been suffering in silence for several months with neck and shoulder pain.putting it down to my fibromyalgia.

after it became unbearable I went to my gp who sent me for X-rays.

i was called into the doctors this morning and told there is what appears to be a bone growth in my upper arm.

i am awaiting a ct scan.

they said it could be nothing like a spec of dust on the X-ray or it could be something .

measuring 1.06

anyone else been told it could be a spec of dust I'm petrified

  • Hi, what a palaver! It And it's measuring 1. 06 whats? Centimetres or millimetres? There's a lot of difference.

    Do u know when your CT scan is? This will b much more accurate than an X ray so I hope u don't have to wait too long. Waiting is the pits. 

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    I'm down for an emerge scan but no idea when waiting on date was told could be up to a week.

    the waiting is the hard bit.

    think it was 1.06 cm she said it was small .