bone cancer diagnosis

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I would like to hear from other people who have had bone cancer found on a whole body nuclear bone scan and MRI. 

What were your symptoms, and was it a primary bone cancer, or bony mets, or some other primary, e.g. lung which had attached to rib cage? 

My symptoms for the last 12 months are still ongoing and are : 1 Pain relentless and daily in rib cage area.   2.  Drenching sweating attacks and 3 extreme tiredness in spite of excellent sleep pattern. 

My family are angry that even though I attended my local GP many times over the last year with these ongoing symptoms, it was my Cardiologist in July last year referred me to the Pain Relief Clinic for possible injection of steroid as he diagnosed costochondritis!   The Pain Clinic Consultant appointment was in 8 months from his referral - outrageous.  

The Pain Relief Consultant also did not think it was anything to worry about but he sent me for whole body nuclear bone scan and a week later an MRI of rib cage.

A tumour was found on the 8th rib and thickening present on 7th rib.   I now await an appt under the 14 days cancer gateway and I know this is going to seen like  the longest wait ever!    

Does anyone out there have a similar experience?   I have known for months that something was not right with me, it was if I had lost my mojo and had no energy and just wanted to sleep in the day time in spite of 6/7 hours at night .   

Please can you contact me through this site with your diagnosis and treatment for any type of bone cancer of the ribs. 
