• 6 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Good morning friends.

As i posted , I had my RC three weeks ago and iam now at home recovering and getting used to my stoma.

It all seems to be going well. I have just one concern, what happens next?

My surgeon told me the operation went well, I didn't ask any questions but I know I should have.

Is my cancer completely gone?

What happens next?

There questions are going through my head and causing me a degree of concern.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. 

Ps. I've an appointment with my stoma nurse this morning so I'll reply back when I can.

Hope everyone is well.

Many thanks 


  • Hi Mark,I saw my surgeon 6 weeks post op and the urologist 4 months post op.The scans and blood tests were 4 monthly to begin with,then 6 monthly.I had a complication with both kidneys on one scan but that resolved and I’m now on yearly scans.I’m almost 5 and a half years post surgery.Jane x

  • Hi like Winkers60, at first I had a series of face to face appointments with surgeons to check the stoma and with my oncologist to plan follow up. I also had haematology follow ups as I am on blood thinners. All except oncology resolved into telephone appointments. In my hospital that's quarterly for 2 years (after blood tests and CT scan) then 6 monthly for the next 3 years (ditto).

    My surgical CNS used to ring too at the very start - she's the one who can confirm how it all went and you could ring him/ her if you want information or reassurance now.

    All the best,


  • Thanks winkers 

    It just feels you are in limbo, am I all clear or am I not. I guess I'll hear soon enough 

    Thanks again


  • Hi latestart 

    I'll just have to wait it out by the looks of things.

    Iam on blood thinners also because of my reaction to the chemotherapy another 7 weeks of them.

    Thanks again 


  • Hi Mark,I hope you are not kept waiting too long to find out whether you are cancer free.Keeping my fingers crossed for you.Jane x

  • Thanks Jane appreciate it.
