BCG Treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 90 subscribers

Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me. I have very recently been diagnosed with bladder cancer and BCG is the treatment plan they have given me and it starts on Tuesday!

I understand that BCG treatment can be highly contagious to others. I have a 5 week old baby and forgot to ask if it was safe  for me to be around her after my treatment?(im not breastfeeding)

If anyone can help me that would be amazingHeart

  • Good afternoon HanR and welcome to this helpful forum . I’ve had 15 BCG instillations without any difficulty. The procedure is uncomfortable but only takes about 10 minutes. You will be given guidance on retaining the BCG for an hour or two but also on the procedure to maintains a good cleaning regime afterwards. You will be reminded by others on the forum to avoid Dr Google. Best wishes, John.

  • Hi Wally B, welcome to the forum.

    It’s not a risk - your specialist nurse will provide details of the hygiene rules to follow when on treatment. Have a look at this. Regards Leo

  • Hi HanR,

    Welcome to the forums and congratulations on the new baby.

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and how scary it must be for you at the moment. 

    I'm also on the BCG course, for about two years now. You will be given more information on the process but you only really need to be careful with the wee.

    I'm lucky as I have two toilets in the house and I have sole use of the loo for a day after my first wee. It doesn't need to be a whole day but my better half leaves it a day.

    You'll be asked to bleach the loo after each wee and leave it for 15 mins before flushing and then give yourself a wash etc. This goes on for 6 hours.

    It is a bit of a faff, but it's only for 6 hours.

    Wishing you all the best. 

    Quite a few of us on BCG on here ATM so any questions fire away.

    Take care.


  • Hi HanR , welcome to the forum. I am sending you a huge hug . So sorry you have had this diagnosis and the distress it must be causing you . A 5 week old baby( congratulations) can be an exhausting time , and now you have this to contend with as well. I hope you are getting good rest and support . I echo what Trevor said , there are a few of us on here having bcg at the moment , all with varying side effects. I am doing well on mine , nearly 2 years since diagnosis and BCG working for me. The specialist cancer nurse will give you a booklet that gives instructions for what to do following BCG. If you have any concerns or worries on the day, ask the SCN , but also stick with the forum, we will all be here to steady you through it , no question is too daft, we have all been there x

    Much love Angela x