Bladder cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hello All,I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in August 24 and since then have had the tumour removed and a combination treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy which I finished 7 weeks ago. The radiotherapy has damaged the lining of my rectum and I have had constant diarrhoea for 7 weeks and almost unbearable pain . I am told that these side effects should improve but no sign for me yet. I am taking Oromorph with minimal effect on the pain. I should love to hear from anyone who is in a similar position and particularly to know how long it was until your symptoms improved. Thanks

  • Hi Thread, I just wanted to say welcome to the forum. I dont have personal experience of what you are going through, it sounds like a really tough time and my heart goes out to you. I am sure someone will be along on the forum to help you. This is a friendly place to share your cancer journey with folk that understand. I hope you will find it helpful.

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi  and a welcome from me. Sorry to hear you are having post radiation effects. I had chemoradiation for BC many years ago. I did have erratic bowels for several months following treatment, although little pain. It did gradually subside. I was warned I may develop proctitis which has the symptoms you describe. I was advised by my oncologist that if it did happen then 10 ml isogel capsules may help. I didn't need it so don't know if it would have helped. Macmillan has produced some information on the subject if you click HERE . I hope you feel better soon. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you Angela for your kind response. I am so pleased to have found this forum and I am already feeling its support.,

  • Thank you so much for your very informative reply especially the reference to proctitis which I shall look into.Although the erratic bowels are not pleasant it’s the pain which concerns me most.Interesting that you didn’t experience that. 


  • Hi Thread,Welcome to our friendly group.I’m so sorry you are in pain with diarrhoea.I hope something can be done to help this and that you will feel better soon.Love and best wishes Jane x