Time to say hello

  • 9 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the invaluable information and support you all share. It has been a comfort and a great tool for my journey so far.

So today I was allowed to go home after my first TURBT yesterday. Apart from being a little uncomfortable all seems quite good. I am now awaiting the results of what they have found and been asked to attend a CT scan of the chest on Saturday, to rule out mets apparently.

I have gone from being quite in control of my feelings to quite scared for the future. The urologist that performed the TURBT told me not to worry too much about the results and that he was confident that whatever the outcome we will sort it out. He also told me off for referring to the tumour as a small tumour before surgery. He told me it was a tumour, not small, not big. He is my kind of doctor, very upfront. I think I was thrown by the extra scan. I have had a CT urogram when I had my flexible cystoscopy so thought that I would be getting a break before my follow up on 24/02. Is this pretty common? I have played this down to family and friends but now feel a little fraudulent. Are these common feelings? 

Thank you for listening, it is a real comfort to know that you are not alone in navigating these unnerving times. 

Now off for my 986th wee of the day! 

  • Hi 

    Take it easy now your home and try and recover . Your not a fraud , you have been through a lot, it's a horrible experience and it takes time to heal.

    I had scans before and after TURBT  I think it's normal.

    Make sure you have the right pain relief as I found the pain I felt after the TURBT was more intense and lasted longer , good pain relief means you can recover without suffering .

    Hope all goes well, keep posting so we can support you , its a lovely forum, everyone just wants to help xx

  • Hi Nananaps,It’s good you have got your first TURBT done.Keep up your fluids as they will help to flush the bladder.Don’t panic if you see bits or blood in the urine that is common and should settle down.Take painkillers if you need them.A hot water bottle can be a comfort if your bladder feels sore.Don’t worry about having a scan that is usual when first diagnosed.It will help to provide your urologist and medical team with the full picture when combined with the biopsy results.It’s common to have a second TURBT a few weeks after the first.There is plenty of advice and support here so ask any questions and let us know how you get on.We are here to help.Best wishes Jane x

  • Thanks for the reply podperson, luckily I left the hospital with some pain meds and they seem to be keeping everything in check. 

    And thank you for reassuring me about scans etc. You really are the kindest group x

  • Thanks Jane, 

    Bits of blood are a common occurrence for me so not too shocking thankfully. Infact, my urine is positively strawlike at the moment for the first time in months! Great idea with the waterbottle. Will hunt mine out. I was joking about purchasing a rubber ring with my husband earlier too, ha ha.

    Thanks for clarifying about the scans. It just came from nowhere this morning and threw me slightly. 

    I am expecting another TURBT as the urologist said that he had eradicated 'most' of what was there. Now that is a joy to look forward to! 

    Thanks again x

  • Hi,Yes it does throw you if you are not expecting extra tests etc.A second TURBT can be easier than the first.I’m a fan of the hot water bottle and my sister carries one in her bag.We both suffer from arthritis in the spine and I always used one after any bladder procedure.I hope you get some sleep.Love Jane x

  • Hi

    I had a full body CT scan before my first TURBT, standard practice to rule out spread so far as I'm aware. 

    I also had a second TURBT, I had a 4cm non-muscle invasive G3 tumor, the second op was much easier to recover from than the first where I had a deep resection and catheter post-op for 2 weeks.

    On feelings it's been a strange journey for me. One one hand my diagnosis was high grade high risk tumor, on the other hand the physical effect have been fairly minimal for me. I think I had a long period of adjustment to the fact I'll be having follow up BCG, and scans for quite a long time into the future now. 

    Stay in touch

  • Hi Sing

    Thanks for the reply. 

    I had had a CT urogram before my first cystoscopy so I did panic when they said I needed this one. Now it's done and dusted I feel pretty chilled. 

    The first CT shows no spread so that has put nerves at rest.

    How are you doing now? 

    Thanks again

  • That's good to hear!
    Yes I'm doing OK thanks, nearly at the end of first 6x BCG treatments, then a cystoscopy in a couple of months to see how things are looking.

  • Hi

    I had my CT before the TURB, but it varies from hospital. I had a three week wait before the results, but my results. Your urologist seems pretty positive and he's right about the size. The CT scan is of the torso to make sure that there are no signs of it spreading and this is normal.

    It is a worrying time and that's perfectly normal and I found this stage the worse, but you will get through it.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are