Online help

  • 6 replies
  • 84 subscribers

Hello STC1 here. I have never used an online forum before and am not too sure how to view replies to my introduction. I get an email to say someone has replied but do not know how to view it. How do I keep my page live so I can freshly post anything? I am not ignoring people I do not know how to use the forum. I'd there a help page to explain everything? Thanks Stephen 

  • Hi stc1

    Iam not long a member of the forum. It can take a,while to get used to. It also depends if your using a computer or your phone. I use my phone. When you post something you'll get an email if someone replies to you post. To view the reply you need to into the forum to read it properly I can't view the reply through the email.  It just means you have to keep going in and out of the site and refreshing. It may be different on a computer iam not sure but you get used to it after a while just stick with it 

    Best wishes


  •  . Hi Stephen. When you get an email notification, it sometimes shows "View Online". Click this to get to the post. You could also click on your name or avatar to get to your profile page. Click on "Activity" and this will load all threads you have contributed to. If someone tags you in a post as I have here, it will say. "You were mentioned in..." click on the highlighted link to get to the post. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

    Community Champion Badge

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  • Hello again, I am still very confused about how this works. I am getting emails to say others are reacting to my post but I cannot see any replies. Are they just viewing it as one person has already viewed mine four times but no response? Is there an idiots guide to using this forum and how to find and respond to posts? How do I keep my page live rather than having to search for it?

    This may all be obvious to most people but I have never done social media, only online shopping, finance and news & emails.  Thanks Stephen 

  • Hi Stephen. When you get a notification saying someone has reacted to your post, it means they have "liked it" without adding a reply. It is just an acknowledgement they have read it. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

    Community Champion Badge

    What is a Community Champion ?

  • It took me a while so don't worry.  I get an email telling me there is a message and I click reply on that email. -   that brings me straight here.    X

  • Hi stc1

    Sorry to hear your still having trouble with access to the forum  .

    I use a mobile phone I'll try to talk you through it here how I use the site.

    On your Google browser type mcmillan bladder cancer forum. Hit  on that and it should bring you onto the site.

    Log in if you have to. I always stay logged in it saves time.

    You shoul now be able to scroll down and see the 3 general headings . Diagnosis,  general discussion and new to the forum 

    You can tap any of these to view people's posts and to leave your own posts.

    When you post anything and people read it and if they comment you'll get an email. You can read the reply through the email but you need to back into the main balder cancer forum to see it on the forum pages.

    That means going back to the Google browser. If you use the forum as much as I do the name bladder cancer forum should top of the page it saves you from retyping.

    Each time you go onto the forum page it will refresh.

    When I post this you'll get the usual email. Follow what I've told you and hopefully you'll be able to onto the pages.

    Iam using a phone not a laptop or computer 

    If you can't do it there is a helpline where you can email mcmillan  I've used them before when I first started and they get back pretty quickly 

    Hope this helps
