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I've been diagnosed with a very rare type of bladder cancer. It didn't start in the bladder but it seems it originated in the prostatic urethra and spread into my prostate gland and eventually the neck of the bladder. This type generally occurs in individuals aged 50-60 so at 78 it makes it even more unusual. Fortunately it's not spread anywhere so there is a 70% probability that it can be eradicated. This is best done by a radical cystectomy which is a lenghty procedure, it's carried out entirely by a robotic procedure. I'm clearly interested in hearing from anyone who has undergone this treatment.

  • Hello  and welcome to the group, although sorry you find yourself here. Not had this procedure myself, but others here have had it done successfully and I am sure will be along to offer some advice. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Alang64,Welcome to the group.I hope you will find it supportive and helpful.I’m female but had a cystectomy 5 years ago.Mine started off robotically and I have a few small scars which have faded nicely.I’m sure the men will be along to share their experiences of this operation.If you are able to get fit beforehand that will aid your recovery.There is plenty of advice here regarding the surgery so feel free to ask questions.We are all here to help.Best wishes Jane 

  • Hi   welcome to this lovely club to which no one really wants to belong. Lots of good advice on here. I am scheduled to have a radical cystectomy (RC) in the 1st week of November.  Happy to swap notes provide and insights before / after the op. I al looking forward to having everything taken out, recovering and getting back to a normal life. Chin chin, Leo

  • Hello Alang64,

    I can tell you about having your bladder out by robot as I had mine out nearly 2 years ago at UCLH. I'm female, so they took bladder, urethra and lymph nodes, and was 70 when the op was done.

    I have never been as fit as I was the day they diagnosed my cancer and told me I needed to lose my bladder, which was lucky as by the time the chemo finished I was a lot weaker, despite daily fast walking up and down hills etc. it was a shock but I resolved to be positive, learn as much as I could and get my family and me through it.

    What follows is how my hospital does things and yours may be different - they all seem to have their own ways - but should give you the basic idea.

    Before the op I had 4 cycles of chemotherapy to shrink the tumour, which also meant regular meetings with the oncologist plus fewer, but regular, chats with the surgeons (generally by telephone) as well as lots of chats with the Nurse Specialists on both oncology and surgical teams. They all had meetings (MDTs - meaning Multi-Disciplinary Team) as well to discuss us patients.

    The nurses are one's way into the doctors and will take calls on most things and escalate as necessary. There were also many tests done on eg kidney function, blood quality, CT scans and in my case heart tests as I needed to be checked for a blood clot after the chemo.

    I tell you this because, although I was given lots of papers and leaflets about the cancer, it took me months to work out who was most useful to talk to about what - and most approachable - when I needed to ask questions or report symptoms. 

    I was also enrolled in Prehabilitation (Prehab) - physiotherapists who rang me up at various stages to see how much exercise I was doing, and they enrolled me in online exercise groups. They were key in reporting back to the surgeons on whether I was fit enough to have the operation and in fact the op was delayed for a couple of weeks while haematology sorted out the clot. 

    I and 6 other patients also had a full day orientation with doctors and nurses including a high-load exercise test then saw an anaesthetist, who turned out to be key in deciding whether they could operate. I chose to have a stoma by the way and met the stoma nurses then for details of what that entailed. They are very helpful before and after the op.

    The reason the hospital does all of this is that the operation is hard on patients. You have to lie with your head down near the floor and your stomach pointing up to the ceiling so they can get access to your bladder and get 5 rods into you to actually do the operation. Breathing in that position is like running a marathon they say. Mine took 5 hours , although it could have taken 6 hours or longer. And there was a mandatory 2 day stay in the ICU afterwards. I didn't have much pain then or later, probably because I was so pleased I had survived it all. Plus there is less strain because of the 5 small holes they make in one, rather than a large scar across one's abdomen.

    In fact I don't think all this is as hard on the patient as it is on their family. After all we just do as we're told and hope to feel the benefit, while they take care of us, worry, drive us for treatments and see how they affect us. And I have to say I am very pleased with the end result. I made sure to keep up the exercise afterwards and tried hard to recover quickly. Well before 6 months had passed my husband remarked that life was more or less back to normal (and admitted that he hadn't expected that at all).

    I also had 3 sessions of immunotherapy afterwards but the oncologist stopped it because it hadn't agreed with me. Next month I go for my 7th quarterly review with the oncologist after a CT scan last month. I'm hoping it will be clear and that the 8th in Jan/Feb  will be too. If so I'll be reviewed 6 monthly for another 3 years.

    I hope this gives you some idea of what you will be facing. As well as some ideas for questions you may want to ask your team.

    Good luck


  • Hey Alang64, my name is Simon.

    I'm 54, was diagnosed with advanced small cell neuroendacrine bladder cancer last year. June this year I had a cystoprostatectomy and lymph node clearance.

    Before the op (importantly), some gentle fitness work, to ensure my core strength was as good as possible (fitness aids with recovery).

    Op was robot assist. As others have said, 5 small scars and a quite big one in my "bikini" line (where everyrhing comes out at the end of the op).

    Usually takes 5 - 7hrs, mine a little longer, complicatuons due to radiotherapy. I spent 4days in ICU before bei g moved on to a urology ward. Your gut and bowel activity can be temporarily mucked up. This is manageable and not permanent. It will be sorted before you are allowed to leave hospital.

    Having a urostoma has really improved my life. The effects of having my prostate removed are still new, so dont know if my inability to become aroused will be permanent or not.

    Finally, I would rather not have had the whole experience, it was a quality of life op. So now, as I get used to the new me, my frustration is living with cancer. It cant be cured, so my wife and I just live with it.

    Hope this helps a little? Any other questions, and I mean any questions you may have, I'll happily give you my view if I have had any experuence.

    Keep on keeping on


  • Hi Latestart,My experience was totally different to yours.I was much weakened by the cancer pre op and in a serious condition according to my surgeon oncologist.I didn’t have any pre hab or specific fitness tests.I met the surgeon just over 3 weeks before the op.Then another day was taken up with pre op assessments where I met the enhanced recovery nurse,pharmacist and anaesthetist,nurses.The surgery took 10 hours due to complications.I spent 14 hours in intensive care.Once on the ward I saw the stoma nurse every day.I didn’t see the physio but was up walking most days.I went home 10 days after the op.I had weekly phone calls from the recovery nurse for the first few weeks.It was a long recovery alone during the pandemic with no support from the gp’s or my specialist nurse.I did get encouragement on here and that got me through it.I’m incredibly grateful to the surgical team and cancer free 5 yrs on.I’m glad you have done so well.Love Jane x

  • Hi Jane, yes I can see that you were more of an emergency case. It must have been hard dealing with that on your own. I had chemo and tests for 4 months before the op so saw lots of people and had very good support from doctors and nurses. The urostomy nurse was a lifesaver when complications from chemo  delayed the op. I'm sorry you didn't have that help.

    The only contact with the GP was to get them to give me steroids when the chemo gave me an extensive rash in the middle of the cycles. They got all the letters from the oncologist and surgeon but never talked to me about them. In fact I think I filled them in afterwards on a Teams call (I'm on the patient group at the surgery). I was extremely lucky in my family support and would not have progressed so well without them. That must have been very hard for you. I never thought to use this forum then but wish I had.

    Overall, I think you are a good example to us all that if they need to operate more quickly than the usual protocol there's still a good chance of an excellent outcome. As I come up to my next quarterly review that's something to hang on to!

    Love, Latestart x

  • Hi Latestart,The stoma nurses were helpful and the stoma team at my local hospital are good too.
    My situation was different from others here as I had been under cancer surveillance for 14 years prior to cancer with pre cancerous changes.When my usual symptoms of Interstitial cystitis altered and I started to lose weight rapidly I knew something was wrong.
    Our health centre is not good so I ended up seeing an out of hours gp some miles away from home.He was excellent,gave me antibiotics for a severe hospital aquired urine infection and told me to contact urology urgently.He was alarmed at how terrible I looked..It turned out that he is good friends with my local urologist.I contacted the hospital and got seen quickly.I know I am fortunate to have survived because my urologists have told me I’m lucky to still be here.A few weeks later and I would have been totally inoperable but thankfully I had a brilliant surgical team.I was very disappointed by the lack of support from the gp.Despite requesting to see one I didn’t see a gp until 2 years after the surgery and that was for something unrelated.I have a different specialist nurse now but the first one never phoned me when asked and just wasn’t interested.I did find that upsetting especially as most on here have nothing but praise for their nurses.I have no complaints about the urology team at my local hospital or Bristol where I had the cystectomy.Good luck with your review.Love Jane x

  • Dear Jane, how awful. There are always people who shouldn't be in the job they have, but in cancer teams they are actively dangerous.

    I'm so glad you pursued your case directly with the hospital and had the treatment you needed. Even in my hospital I have had to stand my ground on things over the years. But at least if it happens it's usually cockup not conspiracy or just plain incompetence.

    Thanks for your good wishes, love, Latestart x

  • It would have been a much better recovery had it not been in lockdown as that was tough.I saw my sister on the doorstep once a week when she dropped off groceries.It wasn’t the same only texting her and my partner John.Not being able to visit my mother was difficult as her dementia got worse and she couldn’t comprehend easily why she was in a home.I was so relieved to get her back home 8 months after my op.I cared for her as usual until she went into hospital and ultimately a nursing home.By that stage she had lost all of her senses except touch and no longer knew who I was.She died a year later.Mentally I’m tough which is just as well as the last 7 years have been very stressful.Love Jane x