Hi I’m new here

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  • 79 subscribers


my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer in January and it’s been a real shock.

he’s receiving BCG treatment, and has just completed his first lot of treatments, awaiting his checkup procedure to see how it went.

my GP encouraged me to join the macmillan community and here I am.

I have also responded to a post on this group, where a new member also shared that their husband has bladder cancer, my post which reads much the same as this post.

thank you 

  • Hi Odge,I’m glad your GP encouraged you to join as I’m sure you will find it of benefit.This lovely group has seen me through major surgery and the death of my mother.There are others here supporting loved ones with cancer so you are not alone.Love Jane x

  • Hi Odge

    A warm welcome to the group. I was diagnosed with High Grade non muscle invasive bladder cancer in February and I'm also on BCG therapy. I have just finished my first round of maintenance BCG. I understand the shock you both feel. Myself and my family are still trying to come to terms with my diagnosis. This forum has been an absolute life saver for me and allows me to voice my fears and my treatment successes too. Ask any questions you like on here, someone will have an answer or an idea of how to deal with any issues. Or just pop on to let us know how you are both getting on. 

    Sending you both good wishes and positive vibes Sparkles️ 

    Love Ade xx

  • Morning Odge, 

    you have joined a great, helpful supportive group. I’m just one step ahead of your husband. Finished my first set of six BCG, had my latest TURBT and got good results back..start maintenance BCG next month…

    this group has helped me through this journey… and just for reference, this group isn’t just about C. you can talk about anything on here..good, bad or indifferent….

    Nigel xx

  • Thank you Nigel, 

    He is ok with me sharing little bits of his story, so… on his first appointment with his BCG whilst sitting in the waiting room, he spoke with another person who had been receiving BCG treatment for 10years. 

    My husband’s response was one of validation in being able to make that choice, recognising maybe there’s another way than the possible surgeries open to this kind of cancer, finding hope and potential has been a key part in our coming to terms with the changes as a family and partnership.

    To have a space to connect with is a huge privilege and I’m grateful for all the support, and heard life experience & take value in that.

    To hear that it’s a group not just about cancer is lovely too, I think sometimes things pop up and are very much related but so indirectly, its like a rediscovery on many levels.

    warm wishes 


  • Thank you Jane, my GP is a real gem. 
    It sounds like you have had a lot to deal with, I’m sorry to hear that you lost your mother x that’s hard news and must have been tough alongside your surgery. 
    it’s heartwarming to read that there’s support here, I kinda didn’t know what to expect to be honest. To look back and see that people have responded so positively is great x

  • Hi Odge,I’m glad you have a good gp that does make a difference.Post anytime you want to,someone will usually respond.There is a how are we all doing thread and a music one too in addition to all the cancer support.Love and best wishes Jane x

  • Dear Odge

    I'm a 70 yr old bloke.

    I can't add anything further or that would be helpful to the many on here that have responded you've received so far other than.. 

    if it all gets "too much" ( to type complicated messages in here)  you can always try the phone line. To quote them

    Whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.

    We’re here to provide physical, financial and emotional support.