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Wave  Hi I'm new on here not always be on but check in now again.  I've just gone through 2yrs of health problems to come to bladder cancer but now just had operation taken a lot out of me insides . VerSnailbest specialist I think I could have had . Had cancer before and maybe get over this 50/50chance may get it back but in all I'm trying to be positive even on the low days because I'm here . Still reSnailvering from operation but slowly Snail we do it . Just Giving a sent out hug to those whom struggling and saying ur stronger than you know .xx  hugs  

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. It sounds as though you have been through a lot. Plenty of support here as you go forward. Lots of varying experiences here so always someone with and answer to any questions. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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    • What to expect after taken body part out like bladder ,womb,lymp nodes half of the lady parts . Is it just hot flushes aches and pains . Just a bit of idea be very appreciated.  Thanks all . I've still waiting  for chemo .x
  • Hi Hca,Welcome to the group.It takes a while to get over having your bladder removed.Some aches and pains are to be expected.Eat little but often and build up your walking distances gradually.I found the first 6 weeks were the worst for feeling weak and tired.Hopefully each week you will get stronger but you need to listen to your body.If you need to rest you must rest.Some days will be better than others as the recovery can be up and down.We are all here for help and support.Love Jane x

  • Hi Hca, had bladder, urethra etc and some lymph nodes removed nearly 2 years ago. Thought I was having the uterus out (preventively) but didn’t. Had chemo first too so was quite weak. My op was robotic - 5 small incisions so not much pain there. Constipation was a nuisance but treatable - lots of broccoli soup helped

    It was my 1st brush with cancer so I was v cheerful after the op, relieved they'd got it out. I walked a lot in and once out of hospital, did the rehab physio exercises and couldn't spend a great deal of time recuperating as husband had a heart attack  the day after my op and a bypass a week or so later. So when they let me out of hospital I was patient no 2 being looked after by daughter and son-in-law in our home. And helping with his care, to the extent I could eg not supposed to lift more than a full kettle.

    Looking back, having that to take my mind off myself was v good for me. Not that I recommend it. Didn't have any hormonal problems of course (and I was late 60s anyway). So my advice is to take care of yourself but no need to coddle yourself. Try and aim to do a little more than you might feel possible and build yourself up for the chemo. With my bladder chemo (pre op) your hair thins but some stays, not sure if you'll need more of another type which might operate differently. I did feel tired but some of that could have been heart-related (mine not his).

    I have a stoma and got great support from the nurses, especially in hospital. Again, I felt glad I had another chance rather than on losing the bladder, which had been painful just before the op so no real loss. And with a stoma and night bag enjoy having a good night's sleep every night.

    Hope some of this helps. Husband and i were more or less back to normal after about 6 months though we get stronger every day. Hope you're the same.


  • Thank you so much for ur reply . Heart 

    I hope things are looking a lot better for urself x dee

  • I’m doing well thanks.I hope you will find the group helpful.Jane xx

  • Hi hope so also . There's always things I'd like to ask but forget . Like the one I read we're they take a note pad in to write down . I may have to do this . Most of my treatment I maybe just getting drops of and picked up . No doubt il try chat to people whom are near while this is happening.  Also a litte laughter were possible xx 

    Thanks xx

  • Thank you for ur kind words and sharing ur story . Yes I had key hole thank gdness . I've already got the bag . It's for life . Doing OK with that . But yes night's are a challenge with the bag .Good idea for the soup my appetite is not gd . I have been having veg and chicken just to make me eat somthing .. I do feel it for you and ur partner glad or hope ur through this . Heartbeat  . I'm in house and early days yet just come out so I will take all ur advice o  board . Will be trying to go for a windy beach walk later afternoon so have fresh air . My bladder and I think some already urupted so was in pain before .Now my pain receptors are damaged and I can't take strong stuff just panodol like this x I am greatfull to my specialist and the nurses so great . Thank you all for taking the time and the support . You gave and a good chat also .xx