Concerned wife

  • 3 replies
  • 84 subscribers


Last year my husband had a kidney removed due a transitional cell carcinoma. This was after 18 weeks of gem/cis chemo.

Initially he was given 6-12 months & told it was about managing his cancer rather than curing it. A year to the day from his nephroureterectomy & he's only had one check up which included a scan & flexible cystoscopy. 

Does this sound normal to people who have suffered this type of cancer? We were told its rare to affect someone his age.... he's 46 now.

Any information would be really appreciated 

Thanks in advance 


  •   . Hi Lindsay and welcome to the group. Sorry to hear about your husband and the lack of care he seems to have had. Generally, patients who have had so much treatment have more regular checks. Does your husband have a dedicated CNS (cancer/clinical nurse specialist) ?. If so they are usually the best person to contact. If no help from urology, it may be worth while contacting PALS at your local hospital. This is not a complaints department, but they would be able to look in to your husband's case for information. As far as age is concerned, bladder cancer used to be an older person's disease but we are seeing more younger people here. I hope you get some answers. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Rily,

    Thanks for your reply. I will take your advice & contact the cancer nurses.

    I'm just worried as the cancer was found by accident during a liver scan, there were no symptoms apart from weight loss so I'm scared of it coming back & being missed.

  • Hi Staffylover,Welcome to the group.I hope you get somewhere with the cancer nurses.Best wishes to you and your husband.Jane x