New diagnosis

  • 14 replies
  • 84 subscribers

Hi all,

53 year old,female Newby here,

So worried,having pain in groin area maybe since March,noticed blood in urine around August two separate occasions, and urgency and burning when passing urine,

Rang gp and got to see my nurse no uti present but said she could feel a mass in my tummy and the pain I was experiencing was in my ovary area,she sent my urine to path lab and got me an ultrasound scan,the scan apparently showed " tenderness on my bowel"?though he said he'd scanned my kidneys and ovaries so I've had to have more bloods and a poo sample for that,(awaiting results) also got an appointment at urology for a cystoscopy ,which showed several red dots and a larger one in a different area of my bladder ,obviously they don't tell you anything there and then,but I just knew,and she said they were being very,very cautious,I didn't have a biopsy but they told me to ring for results in 2 weeks,again results for what if I didn't have a biopsy,I'm also awaiting results of a ct scan with contrast dye,I'm so worried as I've had lower back pain and leg pains and fatigue but I put this down to my job and age,I've just been on holiday but couldn't enjoy it,I'm back to work the day I ring for results from cystoscopy and I'm dreading it ,I've never been in hospital in my life,I'm too young at 53,I've worked hard for a good retirement and now this,I lost my sister to cervical cancer two years ago,she was only 44,and another to suicide 20 years ago she was only 28,I feel for my mother to maybe lose another

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. The not knowing and uncertainty is always a worrying time and it must be extra difficult for you with your family history. Can I just check I am reading your post right? You say a cystoscopy showed red areas in your bowel. Did you mean bladder ? If so, and it does turn out to be bladder cancer, then be aware that bc can be treated successfully and many of us here have been through it. Lots of experience here to answer any questions you may have. Best wishes>

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi,sorry yes I meant red patches on  my bladder with cystoscopy and bowel tenderness with ultrasound scan,my heads all over I'm thinking every new pain is the dam thing spreading,my groin pain and back pain is manageable,but uncomfortable,thankyou for replying.x

  • Hi again  . If they suspect bladder cancer, then the next general step would be a procedure called a TURBT (trans urethral resection of bladder tumour). It sounds worse than it actually is. Usually done under general anaesthetic and in most cases you are out the same day. The offending cells will be scraped away and sent off for analysis. The results determine where you go from there. It all sounds very scary but as I said, many of us have been through this and come out the other side. Various aches and pain are common and we all tend to overthink them. Stay with us and ask anything you like or just come to talk. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thankyou,I just can't think of anything else I don't want to socialise my oomph has got up and gone,I hate to be a burden to anyone.

    Thankyou greatly


  • Hi Nutjob and welcome to the group. I think Rily has given you some really good advice. The waiting and not knowing is awful and frightening, we have all experienced it on here, so fully understand how your oomph has gone. we are all here for you and will help steady you through this tough time. stay in touch 

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Nutjob,Welcome to our friendly group.We’ve all been through this horrible scary stage of having symptoms and worrying what they may be.Your mind thinks of all the possible scenarios and focuses on the worst one.Things should become easier once you have some results.You will have a clearer picture of what you are dealing with and what can be done to help.Everyone on here will help and support you so keep posting.Love Jane x

  • Thankyou,so much Angela,

    Will keep all updated xxxx

  • Thankyou Jane,horrible time xxxxx

  • HI nutjob

    I was told during my cystoscopy that I had bladder cancer, and I think most people on here are the same

    I am not saying you don't have BC but it could be all manner other things

    I have had tumours removed (twice via TURBT) following a cystoscopy and red patches checked that have not been BC

    I am currently cancer free

    I will be hoping for the best news for you

    Keep us updated

    Much love Tina x   

  • Thankyou Tina, I'm hoping it's good news,hope you have many years cancer free xxxxxxxxxxxx