husband diagnosed

  • 18 replies
  • 90 subscribers

Hello. My husband had a cystoscopy on Friday 26th July and we were told he had bladder cancer. A Turbt was carried out on Tuesday 30th July, where he was told 'we think we got it all' He has not had any further communication from the hospital since (which I believe is normally for results to take 4 weeks)

Since the 28th July he has being taking antibiotics for Strep Pneumonia, which was found in a urine sample after a visit to out of hours doctor, (he was in a lot of pain and struggling to urinate.)

This evening his flow of urine stopped mid flow, he said it felt like he was still urinating but it wasn't coming out and he then passed a " foreign object"  What could this be? Could it be a scab from an internal wound? Tumour? 

He is going to telephone his Gp in the morning but I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience? It wasn't a blood clot he has passed quite a few of those already and this looked completely different.

Sorry if this was to much info to be shared, but I am very concerned about him.

  • Hi Lab lover's wifey.

    Did your husband speak to the doctor? Hope all is well.


  • Hi Trevor, he did telephone and left a message but nobody got back to him. He is getting some pain in his stomach, so he is telephoning the GP on Tuesday. Not heard anything from the hospital re pathology and CT scan results yet, it will be 4 weeks on Tuesday since his TURBT.

    Thank you for asking.

  • Sorry to hear that you are having problems getting answers. It doesn't sound good enough.

    Although I never heard back about my CT scan or MRI. I asked my consultant during a meeting and they said both were fine. I thought it was strange, but it sounded like they would have only let me know if something was found.

    Hope you get things sorted on Tuesday.

    Take care.


  • Just another thought. I often see people mentioning PALS on this forum.

    I've not used them myself, but they might be able to help? Hopefully someone with more experience with PALS might he able to offer some additional advice on here.

    Take care.


  • Hi Lab lovers wifey,I’m sorry your husband hasn’t heard back.That really isn’t good enough.I hope you get somewhere on Tuesday.Love Jane xx

  •    I am afraid histology can take quite some time. The longest I have waited is 37 days. Completely unacceptable. Do chase your specialist nurse or consultant and chase it up. After one of my TURBTs I still had some clots coming away six weeks later. Don’t know if this helps. Leo

  • I would hope that PALS might help. But unfortunately, like CAB [Citizens advice bureau], as I understand it many of the 'staff' are volunteers. The result is that although you may speak to someone wholly understanding and sympathetic, the result is quite variable. It also depends on how much the hospital management care or can cope with doing anything about issues PALS take to them.

    But don't let that put you off trying, it may well help. I just wanted to 'manage your expectations' based on a few of our experiences. My OH could well be described as an NHS frequent flyer!



  • Thank you Leo1. My husbands appointment is on Tuesday 3rd Sept, hopefully get the answers we need.