How do we help Dad ?

  • 1 reply
  • 85 subscribers


Our dad (father in law in my case) was recently widowed and has fairly advanced bladder cancer.

He is approaching 89 years old and has other health complications and so treatment options are limited.

He moved in with us about 4 weeks ago and we are trying help him but don’t know much about the disease, his personal situation and how/what to do to help him cope.

He’s not very talkative and a bit ‘stoic’.

He has had 2 x nephrostomy and is in constant pain and discomfort. 

Is anybody able to signpost us to somewhere we can get some advice from ?



  • Hi Newbie, welcome to the forum , sorry that your Father in law is suffering with bladder cancer. My first thought for helpful information and support is the Macmillan helpline, I think the number is at the bottom of the page. There will be other members of this forum along to share their experience and advice soon, i am sure. I hope you get some help and comfort to support you through this time. Take care

    Much love Angela x