Just checking in

  • 18 replies
  • 79 subscribers

Good evening all, 

just checking in on the group, it’s been a mad busy week. Apart from a cold I’m good..I hope everyone is ok.

positive thoughts to all Nigel

  • Hi Nigel,I hope your cold goes soon.It’s nice weather here in Somerset and I did do some gardening earlier in the week.I’m having a lazier day today and doing some research and house hunting on line.Take care.Jane x

  • Thank you Jane, hope your well. Good luck with the house hunting.

    Nigel x 

  • Thanks.I have to sell mine and the market isn’t good.

  • Evening Rob, its lovely to hear the uplift in your post. Glad your ok apart from pesky cold. Time for some R&R to recharge the batteries . Enjoy the weekend

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Nigel 

    good to hear from you hope your keeping well and enjoying your rest before your next bit of the journey 


  • Hi Nigel,

    Hope your cold isn’t too bad. It’s definitely doing the rounds!

    positive thoughts all round. 

  • Morning Angela, Ste, Kittybones. Cold is getting better. Just off to work, weekends are busiest time for me. Thing is with my job (London black cab driver) is when it’s busy you have to make the most of it because when it’s quiet you can really struggle. If I make enough up until Christmas time then the first 4 months of next year are ok. Angela.. yep I’m feeling very upbeat at the moment. I remember back in March time that you guys told me that once I get a treatment plan and date things would become clearer, how right you all was.thank you all for that. Any luck with the house Jane? 

    positive thoughts to everyone…Nigel

  • Hi Nigel,

    Sorry to hear about your cold, hope it's gone soon.

    Sending positive vibes back to you.


  • Hi Nigel,I’m glad your cold is getting better.I hope you have a good day.No luck with the house sale yet,I shall chase up the agents next week as think the price will have to come down.It does need work.Jane x

  • Have a good Day Nigel weather nice up here in Manchester but know it will be better down there 
