
  • 26 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for all the useful information, commentary and support on here. I’ve just started reading it but there’s a real camaraderie that shines through. 

I’m not sure I should be posting here quite yet, as I’m still waiting for my diagnosis. After recurrent issues with my bladder not emptying properly stretching back a good few years, I got in touch with the doctor again recently as it seemed to be getting bad again - what seemed like lots of UTIs and pain. They sent me for an ultrasound and I was lucky enough to get in on Monday, and the results were sent back urgently as there’s apparently a 1.2cm lesion in my bladder.

I also had some blood tests on Tuesday and they’ve come back with borderline high red blood cell, white blood cell and leukocyte readings, as well as what seems to be non-diabetic hyperglycaemia. I don’t really understand what all that means, but I’ve got to go back for more bloods in a couple of weeks. 

I've been given a referral to the urology department at Derby Royal Hospital and an appointment for a week on Friday, but no detail as to what this will entail yet. It was fairly scary seeing the words ‘urgent’ and ‘cancer’ on my notes on the NHS app and wasn’t something I was expecting to see. I’m guessing the lesion will have to be checked out to see if it is malignant or not. The referral also mentions ‘suspected renal cancer’, but no one has spoken about this to me yet - just the bladder lesion.

Anyway, on the one hand I’m really pleased that everything is moving, and on the other hand a bit in the dark as to what it means. Obviously I’ve done the whole thing of going down internet rabbit holes, which is what led me here, and it seems that benign lesions in the bladder are quite unusual, but I’m still hopeful that it might prove to be so, and also feeling positive that something is being done to address the problems. I’m in a fair bit of pain and discomfort around my groin, abdomen and back, which is what really encouraged me to go back to the doctor after a good few years of investigations leading nowhere. I’m hopeful that, whatever the outcome, that can be addressed so I can get a decent night’s sleep again ;) 

I know it’s hard to make a prognosis without any of the investigative data, but I’d be interested to know the experiences of others and what I might expect from my referral, and also if anyone has had a benign lesion that’s been treated. 

Thank you all again for such wonderful wisdom, insight and openness in these forums. It’s been really helpful to read and to see the positivity shining through from so many people. I wish you all the best in your individual journeys Slight smile


  • Hi Matt,I hope it all goes well on Saturday.Love Jane x

  • Thank you Jane :) I hope you’re well. 


  • Hi Matt,I’ve got some health problems but plodding on thanks.Let us know how you get on.Love Jane x

  • Hi  . Good to know you have a date and not long to wait. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thanks Rily:) appreciate it. Hope you’re keeping well. 


  • Hang in there DerbyBlade Pray 

    Not long til you get some answers. 

    Sending you hugs and positivity Star2 

    Love Ade xx

  • Thank you Ade :) 

    I hope you’re doing well - hugs and positivity right back at you Slight smile


  • Went in for my flexible cystoscopy this morning, nice and early. Well, that hurt, even with the numbing gel down there. On the plus side, after being violated thus, the old finger up the back passage to check my prostate seemed like a walk in the park afterwards…

    The lesion is definitely, unmistakably a tumour. It’s a horrible-looking thing, with two chambers nearest to where it’s attached to my bladder wall, and then a mass of weird outcrops at the top that look something like the tentacles of a sea anemone. I’m glad I got to see it on the monitor, even though it was ugly, because I know what’s in there now.

    Next steps are to have my first TURBT, which should be booked in within the next two to three weeks. Then I should have a few more answers.

    I don’t feel especially negative, although that might hit me later. I’m glad that I know what’s in there, and the specialists do too, and they’re sorting out the appropriate treatment.

    The fatigue, discomfort and pain are getting me down a bit, but at least they’re easy enough to deal with. Hardest bit was ringing my parents to tell them as I don’t want them to worry about me. Thankfully I have the kids this weekend to distract me and make me do stuff rather than mope around or drive myself mad with over-thinking!

  • Hi Matt,I hope the pain eases soon.Plenty of fluids ( lemon barley water is good) and regular painkillers if needed should help.It’s not nice to see the tumour but you are a step nearer to a TURBT.Once you get the biopsy results and have a treatment plan it does get better mentally.Take care.Jane x

  • Thank you Jane :) much appreciated. 
