Newly diagnosed

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  • 79 subscribers


I was diagnosed as having Non Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer last Monday and I am still in shock! it’s taken me this long to even write it here let along tell people. It’s like if I don’t mention it or saying anything to anyone it can’t be real!

I was due to have a TURBT last Friday, but due to a mix up with them telling me not take my Anticoagulant medication for at least 2 days before the procedure has meant that I could not have it done. It is now booked for the 28th May and that hiccup has not helped me at all to process anything in my head.

I am hoping that the TURBT is successful and trying to think positively about the results of the grading.

  • Good luck for tomorrow, plenty of R&R when you get home and being good to yourself is essential.

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi, in case you've not picked this up from other posts, something you can do in the meantime: go and buy a bottle [or two] of Robinson's Lemon Barley Water. It needs to be the proper stuff, not the 'fruit and' sort. This was recommended to me by my GP over 40 years ago to ward off a touch of cystitis; it worked.

    Many people here have found it the ideal drink [dilute as instructions] to flush through the waterworks after any procedure such as a TURBT.

    By the way, judging from my husband's experience, having had bc five/six years ago, but only put on anticoagulants a year ago after a TIA, you may find that you have slight 'rose pee' every now and then once you are back on them. It takes so little blood to put a tinge of pink in the toilet bowl that it isn't any concern, though if you were to find it was more you'd obviously have to check in with the doctors.

    Hope it goes well, Denby

  • Thankyou for sharing that Nigel!

    I hope the results come back good for you. 

  • Many thanks for your message and advice.

    I will certainly give that a try! Thumbsup

  • Make sure it's the Robinsons Lemon barley water which has 4% barley (the others only have 1%), and give the bottle a good shake before making up to make sure you are getting the barley bit, which sinks to the bottom.

  • Hi CaPatient,  I was diagnosed with G3pT1 BC in February 2024 and I felt exactly the same as you have described! It was a complete shock to me and my family. For weeks I felt like I was speaking about someone else and not ME!! I decided to name my tumours (2 of them) so that I could accept that they weren't me but something living in me. After 2 TURBT surgeries I'm just about to start on BCG therapy. This journey is a roller coaster of emotions, just take it one day at a time.

    There is so much support on this forum, so try to stay positive, ask as many questions as you need from your medical team and stay in touch on the forum.

    Sending hugs your way

    Ade x