Bladder cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Just wanted to say hi , my husband has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer just wanted any advice ?

  • Hi Shyloh45,

    Welcome to this group and sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis.

    It's an incredibly worrying time when first diagnosed, not just for the person but for loved one's of course.

    Lots of experience on this forum, so please ask any questions you may have. It's difficult to take in all the information and the mind does go into overdrive. When I was first diagnosed I found it difficult to process.

    I wish you and your husband all the best.


  • Hi

    Presuming your husband has had a cystoscopy and they have seen the tumor in the bladder

    With me this was quickly followed by a CT scan and TURBT (Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor) which is normally a day case admission, but be prepared to stay overnight. Once they have done the TURBT and removed the tumor(s), they send it to the lab to check stage/grading etc.. Takes ~ 2 weeks for the results after which they invited me in for a chat with the consultant. Its not until they have done this that they will know what plan to put in place, and the waiting for me was the worst time.

    With me it was stage T1 and grade G3

    This was followed up with a second TURBT ~ 7 weeks after the first just to make sure they got it all, then again a wait for the lab to do their stuff before another meeting with the consultant.

    I was put on BCG treatment and so far, so good. Had a further TURBT Blue Light) in November, ~12 weeks post the first 6 BCG to check they had removed it all and all clear at that stage. Now its continuing with the BCG maintenance treatment and investigations to check it hasn't returned.

    Worst bit I found was the waiting between each stage up to getting a treatment plan in place, but bladder cancer for most of us is treatable.

    There are lots on this forum that gave me great advice with mu journey. Take a look at the resources at MacMillan, Fight Bladder Cancer and Action Bladder Cancer UK. I would advise keeping away from google.

    Wish you all the best in your and your husbands journey.

  • Thankyou Trevor x

  • Thankyou trevor

  • This is the treatment my husbands having , Thankyou so much & good luck to you xx