Surgery booked

  • 14 replies
  • 91 subscribers

Hello all, just got a call from the hospital saying they can do my surgery this Sunday. I was meant to have my CT scan this Sunday also. Will they do the surgery if I haven’t had the Scan?

feeling nervous now


  • Hi  . The TURBT should take priority over the scan. It shouldn't matter the scan not done yet as things are done independently and pulled together at a later date. I hope it goes smoothly. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • That’s Good news that it’s booked I wouldn’t give it to much thought on the CT for now TURBT is straight forward enough and best wishes to you during and after it Nigel Thumbsup

  • Hi Nigel, that is good news you are getting it sorted. It is all a bit nerve racking I know , but for me the sooner the better. Lots on here who have had their 1st surgery recently , so know how you are feeling and will be here for you to steady you through . On my first op, while i was waiting to go to theatre i was posting my fears on here , and got several virtual handholds that helped me through. You can do this , and we are all wishing you the best 

    much love Angela x

    Much love Angela x

  • That's great news that you've got your TURBT date.

    Sure all will go well and that you'll be up and about in no time.

    Keep us posted.


  • Thank you everyone, I’m still very nervous. To be expected. How long does the TURBT take? 
    thank you all again..


  • I went down at 2:15 pm and woke in recovery around 3:30 pm not long at all 

  • It should be easy it was for me, I have had two

  • Hi  . The actual procedure can take less than an hour, sometimes a bit longer depending on what they find. You will wake up in recovery will they will keep an eye on you for a couple of hours or less before moving you on to a general ward. Prior to the op the anaesthetist will come and talk to you. The surgeon will also talk to you and give you a chance to ask any questions. they should then offer you a welcome cup of tea and a slice of toast. You will wake up with a catheter but in most cases it will be removed before you go home. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

    Community Champion Badge

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  • Thank you Rily, you guys on here are brilliant.. 


  • Nigel they will probably write you up for painkillers if you need them after the OP. I had morphine. I am sure you will be in safe hands.