Hi, dad diagnosed with Bladder cancer last autumn, introductions

  • 4 replies
  • 88 subscribers

Hi there

My dad (85) was diagnosed last autumn with Bladder cancer, long history of urinary symptoms which he didn't go to the doctors about.  Has type 2 diabetes, smoked a lot but gave up 20 years ago.

Dad has locally advanced bladder cancer, had a TURBT last autumn and staging was pT2 / grade 3 TURBT (eek).

Has been losing a lot of weight (lost 2 stone) and and started having falls , was admitted to hospital on a follow-up appointment to a rehabilitation ward as had UTI and now showing signs of dementia, sadly. 
Dad is due to receive palliative radiotherapy and is being discharged for downstairs living at home with a full care package... it's all been so sudden since christmas and incredibly stressful.

My mum has severe mobility problems (walks with a frame), they live in a large house that's totally unsuitable for them - told them to sell it and downsize 10 years ago ... but you know what can you do. Community social services are involved and I'm doing as much as I can.

I have no siblings and live in manchester - parents in liverpool, I have family and a full-time job but I've let work know about the situation and they're supportive - I will probably be working reduced hours in the short-term ... see how things go.  Both of my dads brothers are in poor health and one has an only child like me, she's having a difficult time.   It's times like this that family pull together.

Anyway, hope everyone is OK out there and keep strong

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the community. Sorry to hear about your Dad's situation. It must be very difficult for you not being nearer to him. I had radiotherapy, although not palliative, and didn't find it too bad. Painless with no side effects for me. I hope Dad can get the care he needs. You might find it helpful to call the mac free helpline on 0808 808 000 (8-8pm). They will let you know what help is available both practical and financial. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you   I think I will give Mac free a call, I'd like to see if there's any help nearby to my parents, I work near to a Maggie's so will pop in there at luncthime tomorrow, although, frustrating there isn't one in liverpool.

    Parent's GP has been useless, suggested 'contact age concern' ... utterly useless.  The hospital OT has been an absolute blessing.

  • Hi JFK,Welcome to this supportive group.I’m so sorry to hear about your dad.I hope you get some support here and can find extra help for your parents.Love and best wishes Jane

  • Hi JFK, may I suggest you and your only-child cousin each sign up with your local Carers' Associations? What they offer varies widely geographically so you might as well check out what each do offer. Some have the local authority contract for legally entitled Carer Assessments, [following which you may find access to cash for breaks], and anyway free/cheap social get togethers, trips out etc. The great thing is when you go to anything they run, you know all the other punters understand. Your Mum can sign up too. The Association where I used to live also run former carers' groups, for those whose cared-for person has now died.

    The one where I live now offers a Carer's Card. This has a unique number and the 24/7 council contact centre phone number. Should you suffer some serious mishap anyone finding the card on you can call the contact centre and give your card number. The council will then check the info form you completed and arrange any necessary care for your cared-for while you are out of action. It also serves very well as carer ID for free companion admission to attractions and discounts in shops.

    Hope you both get some useful support, 
