Brief update

  • 8 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Thanks to all who have supported me in replying to my post. As well as the TURBT I now also have had Nephrostomy done due to kidney blockage. Am at hospital on Monday for results of TURBT. Presently, Depression clouds hope.

  • Hi Stockwood,I’m sorry to hear you are having a rough time.I hope things improve for you soon.Best wishes for your results.Jane x

  • Hopefully once you get a clearer picture of what is what and how the treatment is going to go it will give you some answers you need, and a clearer picture moving forward. Once you have all the info and some sort of treatment plan it does help somewhat. 

    I really hope you are getting all the support you need and don't be afraid to ask for support from the hospital your doctor's family and friends anywhere you can to deal with things. 

    There is no shame is asking for help or support at all. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • Hi Stockwood, hope the nephrostomy will help the kidney flow. Good luck on Monday. Totally understand the stress of waiting for results, and the first time is the worst. I felt much better after that initial meeting. I'd met my cancer nurse specialist (CNS) and got treatment recommendations from the multi-disciplinary team. Over the next few years of BCG treatment there were other tense times awaiting results but I've found junk tv and cake works as a marvellous distraction Slight smile  It is 8 years since I was in your position so do try not to feel too fearful. Sending a hug Hx

  • Cake and junk food and chocolate can work wonders for me at least also.


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • Thanks, Simon. Yes hopefully a clearer picture on Monday will help 

  • Thanks H for your concern and helpful info. X