Giving up

  • 11 replies
  • 54 subscribers

At what point do you think..that's it, I've had enough now?

  • Hi  . Sounds as though you may be feeling a bit down at the moment. I think many of us have had dark days, but we plod on with good results in many cases. Have you had the results of your recent TURBT yet ? Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Stockwood, you sound overwhelmed with everything. I see you are waiting for results from the turbt and you have had a few issues following the Op. If you are able to , talk to us or macmillan about how you are feeling. We will understand, most of us have been where you are. This is a very friendly group, they have helped steady me through the anxious times of scans , tests, operations and the worst part, waiting for results and the fear it brings . I hope you will stick with the forum, you are not alone x

    Much love Angela x

  • Hello Stockwood. The answer to your question is Never. There are numerous people on this forum who have had a frightening diagnosis and once a treatment plan has been formulated things look a lot brighter. The C word is worrying and frightening. However, there are many forms of treatment which are highly effective. Try not to be too despondent. Share your experiences and thoughts with us all on this forum. I will guarantee someone has been in the same place as you. Garviv

  •    Don’t give up, hang on in there. We have all had very dark days, and are here to listen and support. It’s an incredibly testing time, but there are effective treatments. Leo

  • As per Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel sung, "don't give up" never give up, giving up is just succumbing to things. Fight all the while no matter what.

    Talk to others and seek help from anywhere you can to help you get through things. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • I've been there. Then I walk out of my front door, the sun comes out and the dog wags it's tail. For those precious moments I have found life is worth living despite fear and pain. Sorry you are having a tough time. I send you love. Hx

  • Hi Stockwood, please don't give up. There is a wonderful world outside your door and I'm sure you have wonderful people to share your life with. Stick with us, keep sharing, we can all get through this together.

    Sending you strength and positive vibes Sparkles️ 

    Love Ade xx

  • Thanks to all who have supported me in replying to my post. As well as the TURBT I now also have had Nephrostomy done due to kidney blockage. Am at hospital on Monday for results of TURBT. Presently, Depression clouds hope.

  • Dear Stockwood, have you spoken to anyone other than us crew? apologies if I've missed any such info in your posts. If you haven't done, why not call the Macmillan helpline for a chat? 0808 808 00 00. I believe it's open 8-8, 7/7

    Also on Monday when you go in for the results of your TURBT, please ask the team if they can refer you for some psychological support. There's no shame in needing this.

    And please do keep on letting us know how you get on. Meantime eating as healthily as you can manage may help your mood.

    Thinking of you, 


  • Excellent advice Denby as usual. Garviv