• 8 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi everyone, just a quick enquiry. I'm having a TURBT tomorrow morning and as if nature planned it, I've starting my period today. Just wondering if it makes a difference to my appointment and if I should inform the hospital beforehand.

Thanks cindy 

  • Hi Cindy. Sorry I can't help but just giving your post a bump and hopefully someone with experience will be along. If not, you could phone early in the morning or just turn up for your appointment and find out then. Please let us know how it goes as it may help others in the future. If it goes ahead, I hope all goes smoothly. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Cindy 

    what terrible timing for you but a situation I’m sure the hospital Staff will of encountered before as Rily says a phone call or raise it with them in person and I’m sure you’ll be met with a understanding and appropriate response or solution best of luck to you tomorrow 


  • Hi Cindy, bad luck x I would ring hospital and see what they say. It will definitely be something they have known before and I'm sure they will have an answer. Hx

  • Hi Cindy,

    I’m not sure about the TURBT but I’ve had a cystoscopy during time of the month. I did tell the nurse before hand but she said it really didn’t matter. 
    Good luck x

  • Hi Cinders73

    When reading the pre-op info I remember it saying you can use a towel only and no tampons, so I assume it is ok

    But as the other have said best to just ask

    Good luck with the TURBT

    Much love, Tina  x

  • Hi again and thank you for your responses.

    As Tina said, it was absolutely fine but tampons must be removed.

    The procedure went well I'm told. I did have a horrible 24 hours with a catheter. Much larger than I've previously had and extremely uncomfortable. But in the bigger picture, I'm happy to be going home today.

    X cindy

  • Hi Cindy

    Glad it is over for you and went as well as can be expected

    Now the agonising wait for the results

    Good luck and keep us updated

    Much love Tina x

  • I hope you feel more comfortable soon Cindy.Love Jane x