radical cystectomy

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

what happens if your not healthy enough to have this operation,i am now back to bcg and they used a cathater which all it did was leaked down the sides,i dont know what other treatment is available,does anyone else have any advice

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. Sorry to hear you are not able to have RC. Other people here have been in similar circumstances and continue with regular TURBTs and BCG or Mitomycin treatment. I hope they can come up with a suitable plan for you. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Daniel,

    Could they try Radical Radiotherapy, as opposed RC.

    Bladder sparing treatment options are becoming more common and have similar long-term outlooks.

    I was diagnosed 21 months ago, and received 7weeks of radiotherapy following 6 cycles of Gem/Cis - this completely cleared the prostate, bladder and lymph nodes with NED in all areas almost 2 years in.

    Unfortunately, I had a small pelvic lesion at diagnosis, so I am still receiving treatment with disease all under control.

    It could be worth exploring the above with your team, particularly as it has enabled me to retain all functionality.


  • thanks for your reply but i failed to say i have massive inflamation in my bladder with multiple red patches and the removal was an option i was never consulted on,just a phone call to say they didnt want to put me through an opertion which i presumed was a turbt,but it wasnt/ so bcg treatment by catheter has failed due to vaccine leaking down catheter and not being strong enough to stop leaks,dont now what the answer is to my issues//