How do we get results after biopsy?

  • 6 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hello my friends, I’m due to have another biopsy on Monday 25th and as it’s my fourth this year, I’m familiar with the process and not particularly stressed about it. However, I am very anxious about when and how I get the results. My diagnosis is T1G3 and CIS. On two occasions when the results were not positive, I had appointment at results clinic, on the one occasion it was positive, I received a letter from consultant within a few days of the biopsy. The hospital tell me that at this stage in my treatment I will be invited to results clinic regardless of whether the results are positive or not but I’m not convinced this is the case. I would be interested to hear your experiences of getting results by letter or appointment…Thanks 

  • Hi Frank, I was the same diagnosis as you April 2023 and have been on BCG since ( see profile ) I have had 2 biopsies so far , but only attended one results clinic. I haven't had any recurrences . My CNS is so good,if I contact her , I leave 2 weeks after biopsy to remind her my results are due , she will ring me with the results as soon as they are back. I am not sure that everyone gets this level of service and i feel very lucky to be at the hospital I attend. The urology dept is 1st class , but the downside is path lab can have delays . Goodluck for the 25th , I hope it goes well for you

    Much love Angela x

  • You can request them, when the results are in, using Patients Know Best

  • I haven't heard of this Leo, is it something on the NHS App ? ( which i dont use btw )

    Much love Angela x

  • My experience has been same as yours Angela. I always phoned my CNS two weeks after TURBT to check biopsy results. Saved me two hours drive (to hospital and back) and enabled me to ask my CNS directly any questions I had. 

  • At my first TURBT I was told they'd write to me, but actually was called in for an appointment. Always had face to face after that for results, but there was usually some decision to be made.

    Now I am post RC, until last year I had face to face but follow up test results by letter. My hops now uses My Chart so I can see test results there, and get an e-letter summary from consultant.