Cystoscopy success

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  • 53 subscribers

Hooray all clear today at my 6 month cystoscopy and I'm now promoted to annual screenings! So this is my third anniversary of all clear screenings after four years of reoccurences and TURBTs. Given that when I got my diagnosis I expected to be dead before 5 years, I feel very fortunate indeed to be celebrating 7  years later. Cancer has taught me to take my life one day at a time and find joy in simple things. So here I am raising a tea cup and biting into a lemon flapjack...cheers for good health! Love to all Hx

  • Hi Garviv, thanks so much for your support. The BCG was alright. Its the fatigue that gets to me tbh. I have had an underlying fatigue since i got covid in 21. It feels bad for about 3-4 days after BCG and i dont know if its just BCG or long covid. I just know it stops me doing things. I got so frustrated with it i foolishly did some gardening and paid the price. I am a silly sausage Garviv, no patience . Anyhow, i stayed in bed for 2 days so that i would have enough energy to go to the footy yesterday and watch a disappointing performance but a win non the less .

    I wouldnt wish long covid on my worst enemy. well maybe on the orange man baby over the water lol. Enough about me, how are you ? getting ready for your holiday ? lucky lucky fella

    Much love Angela x

  • Hello Angela, so glad you are feeling a little better. Good result ! Yes can’t wait for Wednesday to come. Garviv

  • Absolutely bliming fantastic, so very happy for you H, I have alway read you messages and I am just so pleased for you. Well done to you x

  • Hi Angela, I know what you mean just had bcg today and it does wear you out. I hope you are feeling better today and your energy levels are a bit better. Are you on number 1 or 2 of your 3? If that makes sense. I think it's the build up to it as well that is exhausting. Anyway I am keeping positive that is all for the good and tomorrow should be able to have a nice lazy day. All the best lovely x

  • Hello Bumblebee 49, I always imagine the discomfort is the BCG bacteria attacking the cancer meanies in the Bladder. It helps. Stay well Garviv

  • Hi BB lovely to hear from you. I am on 2 of 3 tomorrow. fingers crossed it goes ok. i usually plan myself s little treat for saturdays. This week we are off to see Buxton town fc ! we know one of the first team coaches so its a special invite. I love Buxton , its a beautiful town. 

    How are you coping with your BCG ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela, Buxton Englands highest market town 1000 feet above sea level. Yes beautiful and peaceful last time we went there. Enjoy. Garviv

  • yes Garviv, I shall be taking a hat with it being so high up lol !  Are you packed and ready for flying ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Last minute packing for me after golf tomorrow morning. Mrs Garviv is totally organised. Mr Garviv

  • That's a good way to think of it Garviv. Hope you are well and enjoy your holiday.