Swimming during BCG treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone knows when you can go swimming whilst having BCG treatment and after a cystoscopy? 
many thanks 

  • Hiya Weegel

    Hope all is well.

    I don't think there is any restriction after the cystcopy, as long as you're up to it.

    With BCG, you can't use public toilets for at least 6 hour's after having the first void. After that I think as long as you feel okay then swimming isn't a problem.

    I've never been advised of any restrictions. I couldn't personally go swimming after my BCGs for a day, just because of the urgency.

    Kindest regards 


  • Hi Weegel, 

    I’ve been swimming while having BCG treatment.. but normally a couple of days after the treatment..


  • Thank you both for your replies Blush